Apparently I am so in right now!
Just as I have been doing my entries on Bailey and Jean Shrimpton I find out that there is going to be a film about their relationship. Baily with be played by hansom Aneurin Barnard and Jean by doe-eyed Karen Gillan. Karen, of course known for her role in Doctor Who, has the hardest job at not only convaying the range to play the blooming model, but also imitate her poses with as much accuracy as possible.
Despite being helped by her modelling background, Gillan found that the hardest part of the imitation process was recreating Shrimpton’s body language. “Everything was quite angular,” she explains. “Hips jutting out here, fingers splayed in awkward positions there.”
A quote about the real life couple:
"There was more than the sniff of a story there - young love, bad behavior, a kind of revolution in the air"