Apr 21, 2009 10:26
Okay so this is a list for those staying with us, just as a general, so I don't have to go to every person and make sure they know. This is so everyone can be comfortable and no arguments (hopefully) will arrise. Hope this will take care of it! Please follow these rules when in the room and if you have questions, just ask me!
*If you need to use the bathroom, respect that others do too and take turns
*No sex of ANY kind in the room, noone wants to see you making out
*No fighting over taking beds!! You cannot come in, drop your stuff and claim a bed, they will be GIVEN accordingly. Couples do not automatically get beds, we will be rotating between them. I've already said and i'll tell everyone, Justin gets a bed at least two if not all of the nights because every time he's booked a room, he's been regailed to the floor even though he did all the work. So Justin, you are bed king. Otherwise, we will have blankets and a blow up matress, so don't worry, we will all be rotating between the beds and the floor! ALSO get used to the fact that if you want a bed, your sharing. Those beds tends to fit three people, so if we can squeeze it, we will. Get comfy guys, this is for sleeping only, not snuggle time. We want everyone to be able to have a decent nights sleep.
*Quiet after hours! I cannot stress this enough, no jumping around, no loud talking or laughing or loud tv after 9:30 just to make sure. We have alot of people in this room and don't want to get our asses caught.
*Respect those who are sleeping. This goes for morning and nighttime. If you want to watch tv, turn it really low and put captions on or sit right in front of it, when you get up in the morning, please whisper and move quietly around the room. Some people may wish to sleep later than you, respect that. Same for if you come in from the con when others are asleep. Please make sure you know if they are or not by being quiet when you get to the door and come in. If the lights are out or someone is sleeping (even if it's just ONE person), please don't laugh and talk loudly, whisper and give some courtasy.
*If you can't get along, leave. If you are having a problem with someone in the room, instead of hashing it out in the room, please, one or both of you go to cool off, im not going to have frustration and childishness in the room over rediculous things.
*Keep track of your own stuff. For the love of god, please please keep track of your stuff! You are responsible for what is yours. Don't bring a shit load of stuff and expect others to know where your earrings are. Be well organized and packed and you'll have no problem.
*Leave and come in small groups at a time. Please. This will help us from looking like we've got a circus in our room.
*Keys will be given to certain people. We've already planned out who will have each of the four keys. DO NOT loan or lose them! I do not want to see these cards in anyone's hand but yours or the person in your 'group' (meaning the person we origionally know you'll probably be with). DO NOT give this key to strangers or people NOT staying in the room. If someone needs to go up, it's not that hard to just take them yourself.
*Food is your own responsiblity!! We will be bringing some of our own and can have backup for a few small sandwiches (please if you have one, use one or two slices, we had two pounds go in one day because people were piling the meat on) and some snacks, but primarily, that is going to be your cost expense to take care of.
*Please pack light! You dont' need to bring fifty blankets and twenty pillows to make sure your comfortable. Besides the fact that the beds already have two blankets, we're bringing some and a blow up matress and there are always plenty of pillows to go around. There is an iron and hairdryer in the room. If you bring makeup, try to keep it in a small travel bag instead of strewn across the counter, because I garuntee you someone will think it's theirs. Try to stick to one smaller bag and one suitcase or less. Remember, everything you bring needs to be put in a set area that is yours.
*NO STRANGERS IN ROOM! We had a slight problem with this the last few years. I don't care if they are your friends, I don't care if you met them and they seem like nice people. If they are not paying to be in the room (with a few exceptions like Haley), then they don't need to be IN the room. Now if we are doing something specific and we've cleared that we all know them and such, that's fine, but I don't want anyone bringing friends up to the room, especially when we are not there. You may think you know them, but that's how people lose things and cash. It's happened last year, it can happen again. NOONE in the room without others there! ALSO, the room is full, do not bring friends expecting them to get a free crashing room or to stash their stuff. The answer is no.
*Please keep wig heads to minimum. We're already gonna have packed cars, we dont' need twenty wig heads crowding it up!
*Be prepared to get comfy! There is 9 people in the room, at some point, someone is gonna get naked. Deal with it. We are all adults and we know that when it comes to con crunch time, especially in a room with friends where your all rushing, you don't have time for modesty. Get over it and get over it quick or go out of the room.
*DO NOT mess with other people's stuff! I don't care if you think they have something you need for cosplay, if you need to move it, whatever, I don't care. Do not touch other people's things. This is how we lose stuff and then blame starts going around. This goes back to keeping track of your stuff. Don't touch other peoples.
*Try to keep clean. As you make messes or get on or off costumes, as you eat, please, keep things clean. We can bring a small trash bag to try and keep it to a minimum. Throw wrappers and bottles and cans away as soon as you are done, do not leave them sitting around. Put your costumes or regular clothes up once you are done so they aren't strewn everywhere. Let's try to organize this year.
*And finally. NO DRINKING OR SMOKING IN ROOM!! We're not gonna have a drinking fest, no smoking, no drugs, blah blah blah. We're at a con, really, we don't need that to have fun!
Other than that I believe that covers it!
Now, as for who will be getting room keys, we've split it up into what we think would work best by who will be sticking around who the longest.
There are four room keys. Key one goes to Myself, Carol Anne and Kristy, Key two goes to Justin and Nora, Key three goes to Angel and Dana and Key four goes to Matt and Jenn. I don't think anyone will complain, so lets all have fun guys!