Arg, I've been tagged

Nov 16, 2006 15:34

RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 12 weird things/habits about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 12 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1) My very first sex dream involved an Egyptian goddess.

2) I am a complete sucker for Australian accents.

3) I color coordinate the candy at work when I'm bored.

4) It really irritates me when the Sugar and sweet & lo packets are mixed up in a resteraunt.

5) The roof of my mouth is ticklish.

6) I severely dislike two of my close relatives and down right hate another two.

7) Two years later I still have nightmares about not being able to graduate from high school.

8) I really like to get socks as presents.

9) I had a crush on my 8th grade Algebra teacher.

10) While I can be very vulgar I am really very bashful discussing my sex life with even my close friends.

11) When I was little my favorite color was tan.

12) I have a favorite number, 1134. If anyone can guess why I'll give them a cookie.

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