Well, guess what? I like to sleep. I've been tired for eight years.

Oct 13, 2008 02:03

I can't sleep so I thought I'd spam LJ instead. Well, it's not technically spamming considering I haven't posted in the last ten days, but still! Random TV reviews of things I download coming this way!

I'm enjoying Bones. It's not my favourite, or anything, but it never was. I think I'm the only person in the world who enjoyed the London one - I think it's because I prefer Boreanaz when he's being goofy. Yes, it went a bit far in places and why they had to do a storyline about people with stereotypical accents/aristocratic types I have no idea, but to be honest the Bobblehead Bobbie made the whole thing worthwhile for me! I never liked broody Angel, I always liked it best when he was being funny (I realise that was a small percentage of the time compared to the brooding Angel, but well, I never really liked Angel himself as much as the supporting cast!) so I'm happy. And to see Zack again was lovely. All in all, it'll do for me! It makes me laugh every week, so yep. Yay Bones!

Brothers & Sisters
I didn't used to download this, I just watched it on C4/E4. This year I decided to download it, but it's annoying me. I like Justin/Rebecca and Kevin/Scotty (not that we've had too much of that, sadface), but the whole family are acting even more spoiled and bratty than ever before. Even the characters I always liked are annoying me. Especially the whole thing with Kitty's book. Bah. Get back on form, please!

LOVE Chuck. Loved seeing Melinda Clarke, love, love, love. I loved Casey not wanting to kill Chuck, I love the fact they've got Sarah out of Weinerlicious (though as fray101 said to me, that fantasy scene with Sarah was annoying last ep. We get it, she's hot.), it's one of my favourite shows right now. It's like Alias but funny. I love it.

Desperate Housewives
This used to be another one of my C4 shows, but I started downloading last year for Nathan and I really think it's back on track now. I look forward to watching it instead of just watching it out of habit. They made the right choice with the whole five years in the future thing, definitely, it was exactly the kick start the show needed. And it's so strange how different Eva Longoria's face looks with her hair like that! Plus, as little kids go, MJ is adorable.

Grey's Anatomy
This, I don't even know why I watch. Habit, I guess. Everybody is bratty and annoying, none of the characters are likeable, there are no 'ships I'm particularly into... I guess I really just want to watch and see who's going to fuck what up next and how!

I'm really loving this again. With season one, it took until my second time of viewing to really love it. Season two, everybody knows had it's problems. But I think it's really back on track. Maybe just because I'm so flipping confused all the time - to me, that means it's good! I don't know why. There are things I don't like with certain characters - Matt's desert storyline, for example, is a bit weird and uninteresting, but at the same time I like Desert Man. He's funny! "Why are you talkig to a turtle?" "Do you know Britney Spears?" I really like Daphne. Mohinder, just, ugh. What the hell, Mohinder? I miss Micah though. :( Noah should still be a regular. So yeah, overall, I think Heroes is back on form, I'm still really enjoying it.

The Burger episode was a bit of a dodgy filler episode, but that's nothing new. Even dodgy filler HIMYMs are better than regular episodes of most shows. Regis was weird and not very good, but Neil got to SING which I loved, and he did his Regis impression which made the whole Regis appearance bearable for me. I don't even know if it was intentional or if he just can't help it when Regis is around him! And Josh's face when Regis called Ted "satchel mouth" made me laugh a lot. But this week's episode was fantastic. I still think I enjoyed the premiere more, but this week's ep was funnier. Do I Know You had all the emotional drama stuff with some funny thrown in, but I Heart NJ was the other way around, which obviously is what a comedy should be. Stella is fantastic, I love Sarah Chalke and damn, her hair is fantastic. So many lines I loved, all of Marshall's ranting about being too big - "I'm like some huge monster that came up from the sea to destroy bodegas." Jason is awesome at the rants. Cobie hasn't had enough to do but has been doing an amazing job with what she does have. Back to Stella for a moment, so much of this ep being awesome was down to Sarah's delivery. "New York, the greatest city in the whole wide world, where dreams come true and pigeon poop tastes like Tapioca." And her face when Ted tried to remember his neighbour's name and she repeated it at him was just perfect. "Claxpumon?" Every time I think about it, I laugh. I watched the episode again tonight with Mam and laughed for about five minutes when she said it, even though I knew it was coming. Plus, Barney's storyline - from anybody else, that fist bumping storyline would have been so lame as a b-story, but Neil made it almost the funniest thing in the episode. And he dropped his arm when Robin told them about Japan! Okay, this is turning into an entry of its own. In summary: HIMYM = the awesomest awesome that ever did awesome.

House is House. It's not the Must See TV it was for me at the end of last year, so I watched the first two so that I could see Felicia in ep 2, and then stopped. I'll wait for five for the rest. There's nothing amazing going on there that I can't wait for, as much as I enjoy the show.

It seems everybody who reviews 90210 is saying the same thing - "I don't know why I'm still watching this, but I am." And I'm the same. I don't know why. I think Harry and Debbie might be the new Sandy and Kirsten - sensible, no secrets, happily married, no real drama between them. They actually TALK about things. I like that on TV. It doesn't happen often enough. (Okay so yes, S&K had their drama, but they were never going to split up. They loved each other! I sense the same from Harry & Debbie.) I like Annie and Silver. I never watched the original but I like seeing Jennie Garth. Ryan is cute, I like him. I think I may well just be watching because lots of the people are pretty, it's that shallow. But yeah, I don't know why I'm still watching this, but I am.

Private Practice
I stopped watching this five or six episodes into last season because I just couldn't keep up with anything. I was going to catch up during the strike but I didn't. And yet watching the premiere (to see Amy Acker, yay Amy!) I didn't have a problem jumping in and knowing what was going on. I don't know if that's good or bad. It was okay, but it didn't make me want to start watching full time again.

This is my favourite new show of the season. It's pure fluff, but it's bright and it's got spoiled rich people. I hate Sage and love Rose, which I think is the point. I love Megan, and damn if I didn't see Charlie's declaration of love coming, which kills me because I think Megan is so cute with Jacob but I want Charlie to get the girl! This show is definitely a keeper for me.

Pushing Daisies
Still awesome, as always. Bright and shiny and funny, fast pased and witty. Everything I like in a show! Still one of the highlights of my week. I just hope ABC see sense and keep it on. I never thought I'd like Anna Friel in something but I do, it's crazy! And as much as I love Digby... I think I love Pigby more!

Sarah Connor Chronicles
This took a while for me to get into last year, I don't know if it's just because I've never seen the Terminator movies or if the reason I've never seen the Terminator movies has anything to do with it - I'm not into violencey war-y films/shows. Too much action turns my brain off, I get bored with fight scenes if there's not enough character stuff in there to keep me occupied. But towards the end of S1 and through all the S2 eps so far I've really started loving it. There's exactly enough character stuff to keep me hooked, I'm especially intrigued/confused with what's going on with Cameron. So big thumbs up to this one too!

Ugly Betty
It's an improvement on S2, I don't miss Henry but I miss Gio. It's never lived up to the awesomeness of the S1 finale - it's still amusing and fun, but that finale was easily the best hour of television that season and since then the show has struggled to live up to the awesomeness. I know all the Wilhelmina stuff is kind of the core of the show but it's boring now. She's been Creative Director and jobless and Creative Director and Editor in Chief and Creative Director and whatever. Somebody should push HER down some stairs so we can get the plot moved along a bit please.

Only the pilot of this has been on so far but I just got done watching it (ep2 airs tonight, I've only just had time to watch the pilot!) and I think I kind of love it. It has lots of people I like - Autumn Reeser, Kristoffer Polaha, Patrick Fabian, and various other people who pop up. So that's a good start. I like the premise, and it seems to be quite well written. I realise this means the three new shows I'm watching are all on the CW. I don't know what to make of that! But anyway, yes, Privileged is my top new show of the season but this one could be very close behind, it seems good on first viewing!

So that killed half an hour and I'm no more tired than I was when I started (even though I bored myself while writing it) but I'm still going back to bed.

I have weird lumps on the back of my hand. I've never noticed them before but the way the light of my screen shines on my hand when I've got no lights on has made them stand out with funny shadows. Huh.

tv: house, tv: bones, tv, tv: brothers & sisters, tv: himym, tv: privileged, tv: desperate housewives, tv: pushing daisies, tv: ugly betty, tv: 90210, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: tscc, tv: chuck, tv: valentine, tv: heroes

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