So I spent the afternoon today making a Doctor Who store on Cafepress. Literally, Mam forced me. She's been bugging me since Blink because she didn't like any of the ones people had made.
Yesterday I went to see Shrek the Third with
emailitin. That was fun! The Woolworths advert with Darth Vader and the dark side toast amused us, lmao. And Quinn didn't realise it was Justin Timberlake voicing Artie.
We also watched the last three eps of S2 of HIMYM because she needed to get caught up, then we watched the first S4 ep of The 4400. Then I showed her my script and we had a joint fangirl for 45 minutes (lmao) and then it was time for Doctor Who. Randomly, Quinn was at my house when the Doctor Who finale was on LAST year, too. She doesn't watch it, but she watches it with me when she's here.
So yes. We hung out, and discussed the fact that she's coming to Serenity Complete seeing as it's the last one, and she has it written down to make sure she WILL. Plus, it's in writing now, so she has to. And she's getting a DS! She has her Mario Kart instructions, so she'll fit right in!
Finally, now has a
forum. And so far it's just me and Shirley, and we managed to turn her introduction thread into a thread about the weather. So more people should come and talk nonsense with us. There's an off topic forum, so you can totally do that! And appreciate Richard while you're there.
There were other things. I know there were.
Oh well.
Now Denise Richards is dying on my TV and it's awesome. I'm going to go and write fic. (Not fic about Denise Richards dying, for the record.)