Mar 13, 2007 16:02
So here I am in Aberdeen, pottering around on the internet while Hils is at Uni. I've ordered Mam some flowers for Mothers' Day, since I'm away til Monday and it's on Sunday, plus been post-whorey at most of my boards. I hunted out a couple of videos I want to show Hils (yes, Hilary and co, on youtube! It pains me, but I didn't bring the CDs with the clips so it was a last resort!), checked my flist copious times (it's totally dead in the daytime!) and eaten some Jaffa Cakes.
Yesterday I slept all the way here on the train after my night shift, then we came back to Hils's and dropped my stuff off, watched Neighbours and went out again for a pub lunch and some random wandering. Then we went to Morrisons while Hils bought food, and I bought Cherry Lambrini and icecream. :D Then we sat around and watched the soaps, and then Alan's CSI, Nathan's episode of Lost (excitingly, she'd just seen episode 5 of this season on the DVD I sent her, so it was perfect timing!) and a few episodes of Scrubs.
Tonight we're going to go out and hopefully find somewhere showing Sunderland vs Stoke, despite the fact that Aberdeen are playing Motherwell and THAT's what's on telly everywhere. The fab SAFC message board folks have pointed us towards some places to go, so that's tonight's plan - I'm going to get Hils so drunk, lmao. I've got her to come out by bribing her with me buying her drinks, when she should really be working on her dissertation and various Uni stuffs. I'm such a bad friend. But she knows I don't care if she randomly ignores me while I'm here and does work instead!
Right, time for more Jaffa Cakes, methinks! Then Hils should be home soon.
(I'm not actually feeling accomplished, but since I'm halfway through an icon rotation I've decided to also have a mood rotation, since far too many of these moods never get used!)
jaffa cakes,
nights out,
football: safc,