So today I had my first driving lesson. How exciting! Apparently I did well, even though I was scared! It was just a lot to remember but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it - I don't like steering! I got up to third gear though, which was fun but scary because it just seemed entirely to fast to be going on my first lesson! Though Bry told me she only went to second on her first lesson, but her brother went on the A64 on his! Which would have scared me to DEATH!
Then after that, I celebrated by going to see White Noise. Which had all the Nathan I could have wished for. It was slightly crappy, really, but Nathan more than made up for it. And I was clearly the only Browncoat there, because when
Nathan's friend said "Sounds like some kind of superhero Cap'n Tightpants crap to me" I SNORTED and I just got weird looks. I was sad.
The end kind of "WTF?!?"ed me, but yeah. It was okay. I won't be going to see it 39 times like Serenity, or anything (or even twice, in all likelihood), but I'll get the DVD. Because Nathan! There was prettiness. And Nathan.
Also, wtf, Craig Fairbrass? He's from Eastenders! What's he doing in a movie with NATHAN? It was weird. At least he wasn't trying to be American.