Shindig time today! And we're having a Big Damn Quiz at this one! And I'm hosting it! With
I'm very excited. I should probably be asleep.
I'm trying to write my personal creation for the Nathan Brag Book the girls are putting together to give him at Flanvention. The other stuff was easy - it was all about finding Nathan quotes to fit into the particular categories. Now I have to write my original personal creation and it's hard, dude. Because ... it just is! He's going to READ it, so I can't just talk about him being HOT. Heh.
I'm pleased with the quotes and stuff I came up with, though. This is what I have on my page so far. (The categories were all specific; I just had to put my favourites in.)
Favorite Review Quote:
Nathan Fillion makes an ideal hunky hero as Captain Mal, who steers his loyal crew aboard his transport spaceship, Serenity, into a firestorm of danger when he shelters a psychic girl (Summer Glau) sought by the evil ruling Alliance.
- Cinema Watch, What’s On TV magazine (UK) October 1-7, 2005
Favorite Nathan Quote:
I want people dragged kicking and screaming to the theatre and coming out saying, ‘You have got to see this movie.’ I want converts, I want a cult. Let’s start a cult! You be the pope. You’ll get a paper hat.
- Nathan in a pre-Serenity interview, "Hotdog" magazine (UK) November 05.
Great Character Quote:
I, Jonathan Donnelly, take you, Sharon Carter, to be my lawful wedded bride. To hold and to have, to stay with you whether you have money or not, whether you’re feeling well or not well, until one of us is dead.
- Johnny Donnelly, Two Guys and a Girl
Nathan, Our Hero:
I think we all naturally follow Nathan without realising that we’re following Nathan. We were all on set one day, sitting in our chairs on a break, and somebody walked by with a platter of sandwiches to take to the Kraft Service table and Nathan said ‘Oh hey, they’ve got sandwiches, lets go check it out’ and everybody went [stands up and mimes following Nathan], and then we kinda looked at each other and we were like, wait, why are we following him?! We just ate! I’m not even hungry! I just do what he tells me.
- Jewel Staite during the group talk at Starfury: Serenity (with Nathan sitting next to her)
Nathan Had Me At:
“Use of a swhat?” - Firefly, Shindig.