Nov 16, 2005 10:58

Here's another FUCK YOU for today!!  Last night we lost power at precisely 4:30 a.m.  How do I know this?  Because our microwave in the kitchen was making this ear piercing noise and I had to light a candle to see where I was going (those who have been to my house know that there are no lights in the surrounding area and it's hard to see anything when it's pitch fucking black) I walked all over the house to find out where the noise was coming from; the basement, the back bedrooms, and couldn't find out where it was coming from because it sounded as if it was coming from everywhere.  When I found out it was coming from the microwave, I unplugged it, and it stopped.  Just as I went back to bed, the fire alarm started making the same damn noise!  So, I unplug that, but heard the same noise still coming from the basement.  I found out it was coming from the utility closet where the furnace was and didn't want to shine a candle in the closet when I no NOTHING about electrical work and the furnace so I bury my head under the pillows and covers and try to drown out the sound.  With tossing and turning, I was able to fall asleep.  With the horrendous wind outside, the sound fades in and out and eventually stops as my alarm goes off at 6:30.  I sleep through the snooze and wake up at 7:30; 30 minutes later than when I'm supposed to leave the house.  I call my boss to let her know that I have no power, then call my mom to let her know I need to take a shower.  My sister answers and says she's on her way to school and that it should be cool... I get ready to jump out of bed when the worst thing she could say to me in the world comes out of her mouth.  'Dad's home today.'  My dad and I don't have a good relationship and he's the last person I want to see right now.  The weather sucks, my dad sucks (just because he does and I had to go to my parents house to get ready), it was snowing outside, I had to open the garage door manually; I couldn't get it to lock before I left for work, I was late for work, my hair looks like shit and it's in a ponytail today, I will have to work late to make up the hours and work through lunch....

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