here's all bout me....

Jun 28, 2005 21:39

.001.] name: ADAM
.002.] age: 21
.003.] birthday: March, 20th 1984
.004.] zodiac sign: Picies
.005.] height: 6 foot 1
.006.] weight: 165 or so...
.007.] status: Taken
.008.] city you live in: Madison
.009.] car you drive: Chevy truck
.010.] school you attend: HAHAHA yeah, ummm been done with that for a while

.011.] food: CHEESE!! and Biaggi's lobster fettucini alfredo
.012.] non-alcoholic drink: Mt. dew all the way!!!
.013.] alcoholic drink:Coors light, absolute and lemonade, and blue uv and squirt
.014.] ice cream flavor: vanilla
.015.] color: blue
.016.] tv show: monster garage, spongebob, and anything on the history or discovery channel
.017.] movie: the incredible mr. limpet, constantine, indiana jones(all of them, and the matrix
.018.] singer/band: breaking benjamin, disturbed, poppa roach, lil jon and the eastside boys
.019.] song: nine inch nails - closer
.020.] word/phrase: lata biatch

[.the last person.]
.021.] you talked to: wynona (stepmom)
.022.] you called: dad
.023.] you saw: stepmom
.024.] you hugged: Natalie
.025.] you kissed: Natalie
.026.] you had sex with: Natalie
.027.] you had a crush on: Natalie
.028.] you did something nice for: steve
.029.] you dreamt about: ummmm, Natalie.... hehe
.030.] you hung-out with: steve

[.have you ever.]
.031.] lied to parents: Yes
.032.] stolen something: Yes, some mario cards back in the day when I was little
.033.] had sex in a car: yes, in the front seat of a dodge stealth. yeah they call them compact cars for a reason...
.034.] kissed the same sex: hell no.
.035.] masturbated: ummm, yeah
.036.] cheated on a test: yes
.037.] thought you were gay: not really, but I questioned it once
.038.] drank alcohol: YES, lots of it, till I couldn't remember or walk
.039.] done drugs: yes
.040.] smoked anything: yes

[.the last thing.]
.041.] you ate: a ham sandwich from lunch
.042.] you drank: a coors light or 2
.043.] you bought for yourself: ummm, a beer
.044.] you bought for someone else: water for steve
.045.] you cooked: hamburgers on saturday in the rain with Natalie... It was hot!
.046.] you made: my bed frame for my new bed
.047.] you worried about: if I'd be able to make all of my bills
.048.] you cried about: I don't remember
.049.] you were happy about: the rain with natalie when i was grilling..... OMG SO NICE
.050.] you shared with someone: water with steve

.051.] shoe size: 10 1/2"
.052.] waist size: 34" but they're prolly really only a 32"
.053.] lucky number: 13 yeah, freaky huh?
.054.] number of piercings: 1
.055.] number of tattoos: 2 so far
.056.] boys/girls you have kissed: girls: ummm I don't remember, but I'd have to say alot!
.057.] bfs/gfs you have had: I think 14
.058.] jobs you have had: 6 or so
.059.] people you consider "real friends": like 3 or 4 ppl
.060.] boys/girls you had sex with: 5

[.do you believe in.]
.061.] the boogie man: No
.062.] monsters in the closet: No
.063.] monsters under your bed: No
.064.] evolution: Yes
.065.] reincarnation: Yes, i just hope I'm a cat when I'm done here...
.066.] love at first sight: Yes
.067.] aliens in outerspace: yes
.068.] ghosts: ummm Yeah, seen a couple so yeah I'd have to say yes to that one...
.069.] curses: not really
.070.] yourself: hell yeah, if I didn't I wouldn't be who I am today

[.would you.]
.071.] rob a bank: no
.072.] drink a bottle of tequila: I have, but I wouldn't do it again
.073.] kiss someone of the same sex: Probably not, unless there was lots of money involved
.074.] have sex with a goat: HELL NO!!!
.075.] date your teacher: I never had any hot teachers in school
.076.] flash a stranger: no
.077.] date your best friend: been there done that... not good
.078.] bungee jump off the statue of liberty: hell yeah that'd be fucking AWESOME!
.079.] skinny dip in public: yeah if noone was around cept for natalie
.080.] eat cow balls: ummm, I'd think no... not on purpose

[.at this moment.]
.081.] what are you eating: I'm going to go make up a bowl of cereal
.082.] what are you drinking: water
.083.] what are you wearing: dirty stinky ass clothes from work
.084.] what are you listening to: pitbull - culo
.085.] what are you thinking about: where I'm gonna stay this weekend
.086.] what do you smell like?: sweat and glue from work (STINKY)
.087.] what does your hair look like: a mess
.088.] where are you at: In the basement
.089.] what time is it: 10:25
.090.] what is the weather like: Warm, sun is going down

[.this or that.]
.091.] the beach or the mountains: Beach.
.092.] pepsi or coke: pepsi
.093.] having no arms or having no legs: Having no legs I like my arms
.094.] stereo or tv: Stereo
.095.] mom or dad: dad
.096.] money or happiness: Happiness
.097.] car or motorcycle: TRUCK DUH
.098.] one good friend or several companions: one good friend
.099.] shoes or sandals: shoes
.100.] mustard or ketchup: catsup
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