Long post, but please read?

May 15, 2005 23:02

Out of my last seven posts, only two got a response. I don't expect a flood of sycophantic comments everytime I post or anything, but gee whiz, is my journal that dull and uninspiring? I don't write anything hoping to get comments, it's more like they're conspicuous by their absence, if that makes sense. Maybe I need more humour. I used to write like elixxir, and I've noticed I don't use humour anywhere near as much as I used to,,,
Sometimes I feel as though I'm slowly disappearing... I don't know if I want to delve into that further. I don't want to, or I can't be bothered? Hrmmm.
This is a scary week coming up for me. But I already posted about that. I'm having all the same "cancer" symptoms I had before... They took the whole uterus! They told me they got it all. Do your odds of getting other cancers jump if you've had one kind already? I suppose I just need to make the damn appointment, and find out. And I am making a promise to myself to go see someone at George Brown this week. I also have decided to look into counselling for Troy and I, together. I need to fix this relationship. He's my child, my baby, and I need to get him back (not just physically) before it's too late, and he hates me, irrepairably. I love him SO much. *cries*
*wipes eyes* Okay, on to less depressing fare. (I'm still thinking about it, I just won't go on blubbering in here.)
I realized today that my tattoo appointment is next month! Finally. I have a few ideas.

I want this across my chest.

And this one around my arm or wrist. (Not in gold, though!)

Maybe I'll post some of my other ideas later, and get opinions? Still have to write about the Frightenstein Fest, too!( I did go!)
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