Last week I did a
"movie quote" meme, and I want all of you to hand over your Goth Cards, because no-one got #9! Not even "Anonymous". (Shame on you!)
#9. "Curiosity killed the cat, you know!"
"I know..." is from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm amazed no-one guessed it!
Dr., I need to borrow some equipment.
Is that so, whatever for?
I'm conducting a series of experiments.
How perfectly marvelous! Curiosity killed the cat, you know!
I know...
I'm just watching Mindfreak right now. Criss Angel is soooo cool. *ghey fangirl swoon* I've also been watching "Gene Simmons:Family Jewels". I admit, I like these shows. *shrugs*
Dan went across to his mom's after work, and is hanging out with friends there. It's 20 to 11pm, so I expect he'll be back soon. Anyhoo, I've got stuff I could be doing, I guess. Ciao for now.
1:15am. Dan just called, and he's sleeping at his mom's. He'd called earlier, and said he might end up staying, so I knew it was a possibility. So, I won't see him 'til tomorrow night. I suppose a break is good now and then. We don't really get sick of each other, though.
I tried to do my stupit census thingy online, since I didn't fill it out when it came in the mail, but I need an internet code or something, so I'll have to call for that tomorrow. Supposedly it's a $500 fine or 3 months jail time if you don't send it in! Jebus!
I'm burning Nag Champa incense right now. Mmmmmm.....