MMMmmmm....Morbid faaaaaaactsssss

Jul 27, 2005 04:05

Live fast, die young, and have a good looking corpse!

Today's Incorruptible Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

St. Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart was born Anna Maria Redi
(1747-70). Anna was born in Italy and entered a Carmelite convent in
Florence in her middle adolescence. During her lifetime she was credited with
performing numerous miraculous cures. She herself died of a gangrenous
condition which caused her eighteen months of excruciating pain. On
her death the black gangrene soon began to change into a faint rose hue,
'... which gave her a more angelic beauty than when she was alive'.
Two days later her hands and feet 'changed to the glow of living flesh'
and she seemd to be 'quietly sleeping'. Two days later still her face
was even more beautiful, her lips were fresh and naturally red, limbs
pliable, and the whole body was enveloped in 'a most delightful odour'.
In short, St. Teresa had become an Incorruptible. Fifteen days post
mortem she was examined by an archbishop, numerous minor clerics and
three physicians. All was unchanged, there were no signs of putrefaction,
and the sweet fragrance persisted. Thirteen years after burial, when
the body was exhumed in order to move the saint to a drier location, it
was found to be perfectly incorrupt. In 1805 she was again disturbed
and was described thus: '... Healthy flesh colour; somewhat dry but,
nevertheless, surprisingly elastic and pliable... the colour of the hair
on the head livid and fresh ... eyebrows golden-blonde ... [and a
previous wound in the right foot] healed and of good colour'. Teresa was
canonized in 1934, and her body, now dark and dry 'but still perfecty
incorrupt,' can be seen in the chapel of the monastery of Santa Teresa die
Bruni in Florence.

Culled from: Death: A History of Man's Obsessions and Fears


Here's an image of the Incorruptible One herself:


morbid facts

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