So after an emotional, difficult night, I threw something purrty on and went out, at the urging of
I just went to Savage, but I would have been better off going to Fet, since I am reading people's journals today, and that's where alot of my friends were. Or at least people I like. The Guelphites were all at Savage, of course. My friend Jay has his band practice on Saturdays, and he used to wrap it up and be at Savage by midnight, but for quite awhile now, it's been alot later. Sometimes it's nearly 2am when he gets there. So I'm usually just there alone, which can feel awkward sometimes. (For years I never cared about this, but as I get older, I find I don't like standing around alone in clubs. Weird.) I did see
vamp_999, and I waved at
girliegroove, but I don't know if she saw me. I would have gone over and said hi, but she was right in the red zone, as it were. I opted to stay over in my corner. I danced alot though!
alxxx369 was lurking in a corner behind the cage, and actually left without me, without letting me know when he was going! I swear he doesn't give a shit about my safety. Or me in general. Anyway, I left early, around 2am, and on the way home, I stopped at my local corner store to grab munchies, chips or something, but then I saw they had Count Chocula! So I had to have it, lol! (Now with "ghoulish green marshmallows!) It's funny how certain things can be so extra yummy when you've been drinking, lol! We had left the pizza box (with two pieces left inside) on my coffee table, and it even had a few things on top of it, (a plate, a book, an ashtray) but when I went to grab one this morning, they were gone! Somehow Grizelda had got her nose in the box, and ate both pieces, without knocking the stuff off the top! Bad doggie! >:(+
I got a surprise call from Dan at nearly 4am, saying he'd be coming over today if it rained, since then he wouldn't be able to go sailing. And that if he did go sailing, he'd call me when he got back. (The late call is okay, he knew I was going clubbing. Anyway, I have a 24/7 phone rule. People can call me whenever they want!) Anyway, it's a small thing, but this call made me feel better. I'm so stupidly easy to please sometimes, lol! And I see it is, indeed, raining outside! So where is he? Hrmmm. Oooh! I just recieved my Morbid fact Du Jour! Wonder what it is today?
Today's Entangled Yet Truly Morbid Fact!
In what officials called the worst escalator mishap in Boston history,
a 34-year-old man from El Salvador was strangled to death after the
hood of his sweatshirt became entangled in the teeth at the bottom of the
escalator at the Red Line's Porter Square Station. Francisco
Portillo, a prep cook who came to Boston four years ago, left early on February
21, 2005 from Kaya, a sushi bar in Porter Square. Investigators believe
that around 9:45 p.m., Portillo was either sitting or lying down on the
143-foot-long escalator when his hood became snagged in the escalator's
comb plate, dragging him to the floor and choking him until another
commuter hit the emergency shut-off button. Transit Police received an
initial call of a man having a seizure after a witness at the top of the
escalator saw Portillo struggling and contacted the station's
collector. Officials said an inspector was at the station within two minutes.
Several others tried unsuccessfully to help Portillo, but his sweatshirt
was too tight around his neck to remove. Paramedics and police
eventually cut Portillo loose. He was taken to Cambridge City Hospital, where
he was pronounced dead. The medical examiner said the cause of death
was strangulation, Pesaturo said. Results of toxicology tests could take
weeks, he said. A near-empty bottle of Korean whiskey was later found
in Portillo's pocket. ''At this point investigators believe that
alcohol was involved in this incident," Pesaturo said.
Culled from: Boston.Com submitted by: Dorisaurus
Want your own Morbid Fact delivered to your inbox every day? Go here: This site is wicked, but not for the faint of heart/stomach! I'm a sick puppy, however, and eat this stuff up! *evil giggle*
Well, I know I had something else to say, but I can't recall right now. The other night when I went to watch Master and Commander with the commentary, I passed out as soon as I lay down on the couch, lol! So I should watch it today, as the movie was due back yesterday. *oops*
I'm thinking of getting extensions in my hair when the weather cools down a bit. I want long hair! I wonder how much it is? Must remember to google it, and find out some prices.
Friday night I had a shower (well, a kettle shower, *rolls eyes*), and when I was done I got er, distracted, heehee, so I forgot to put tat goop on right away, and the damn thing dried right out and started peeling. Dang. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! It's almost done now, though. Just the legs, tail and wing tips look scruffy. It's so hard not to pick at it! Argh!
That's it for now. It's my bro's birthday today, but I'll do a separate post for his shout-out.
(Chris just lit the filter end of his cigarette. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's what he gets for breaking my 'no smoking inside' rule, HA!)