idk... just rambling here...

Oct 13, 2005 19:58

Heh I realized today that I change my mind ALOT. But only when it comes to school. I applied to a whole bunch of colleges, got into every single one I applied to... Cali, Texas, Las Vegas, a few in Michigan... and Im just like "Oh well... I dont know if this is what I want to be doing" So I just kinda switch majors again. I really wanna go to school outa state, but that costs a hella lota money which I dont have. I wasted a good 6-7k On ITT Tech, which I get to start paying back like next month (Lucky me), But yeah... I don't wanna do that again. Get three semesters in and decide I dont wanna be doin whatever for the rest of my life. I think I wanna take a few classes at OCC though... Untill I figure out what it is I wanna do. But... bleh... I Think I wanna just go for massage therapy too... BUT the school I want is in Texas (Only massage therapy schools round these parts is NIT and shit like that and I really dont wanna go there), I think it only takes like 2 years to complete or somethin like that... but... fuckin money man.... Takes money to get out there, takes more money to get an apartment... takes more money to buy all the shit i need to actually live. So... yeah... Im feelin kinda stuck again and I really hate feeling stuck in the shitty ass place.

Speakin of money, This weekend Ima go to this job place (I cant remember what its called) and see bout getin me a weekend job, and if that goes well ima just say fuck the gas station... I really hate it there now. Sure I can talk on the phone whenever I want basically, and Its a pretty easy job... Its just... You can only take so much of that ya know? AND now im on fucking nights... nuh uh man... I thought I was goin crazy during the day with all the free time I had... now at night.. fuck man Im lucky if I get 10 customers between 8 and 11.

Well hell I cant think right now... I totally forgot my point here... Ima go take me a long nap. Peace.
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