to miss your other half is to suffer such deep sorrow

Jun 25, 2005 03:12

i dont feel like ur asleep right now, but i can picture u curled up in bed....
you dont know this but....
i love the way ur hair feels when i run my fingers through it,
and how ur skin feels against my lips,
i like taking care of you,
and i love it when u fall asleep in my arms
just as much as i love falling asleep in yours.
i like biting you to make sure your still there,
and taking ur button down shirts off to look at ur arms....
i like ur scars,
and ur attention to detail.
you turn me on when u kiss my neck,
and i like it when u say im beautiful.
most of all i love how you love me....
the way you wrap me in this warmth that only you have....
i miss your voice,
when i sleep its so cold...
you remember the prison and how u were right there but still so far away,
you know in the beginning with the gaurd..u understood then, you'll undertsand now...
its the same feeling...
i wanna come home to you
and hold you for the rest of my life.....
***Angel Baby***
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