Sep 18, 2009 22:48
ICU was where I was today and it was intense to say the least. It became so busy for the nurses that were there that I pretty much took over a complete critical care client by myself. I went from giving the meds to doing assessment to writing the doctors orders out for dictation and to rewrite all the meds that had been re-prescribed. Even so, I didn't have the time to do everything. I was so bummed to leave during such a busy time. Oh man...I'm such an anxious bug but I survived the chaos. It was freakin' awesome.
Pat on the back baby. Follow that with a pint of good rum. Haven't drank in over three years with hard liquor but it was required. Your personality changes with your choices in life. I just needed something to keep me warm tonight as I sit and read texts for class and watch Sex in the City. I R Dork.
Ok...I need to resolve this migraine right now. Love nursing right now.