(no subject)

Aug 07, 2005 08:37

o my goodness.. lol last night was a blast, we went to ryan butterfields party aka farm fest, and i saw my graphic arts teacher drunk and playing guitar and trying to sing to it.. o my gosh it was great to watch. than me and trisha wanted to score some alcohol, so we went around aadn found jeff cuz hes cool and he would steel us some.. we had to weight till ryan cheney got back cuz he had it.. and when he did we got smernolf and than some girl gave me twisted lemonaid and me and trisha were like YAY and tabbi didnt drink, and than some guy was just going out beer so we scored like 7 cans from him and we grank half than added sprit to them cuz there groess, and than it was like 3:30 in the morning and we went inside to pee and there was a big bodle of vodka so we took it and we added sprite and than we drank it and big dum people were trying to take it from us, and than when trisha made me hold her drink i put stuff in it that tasted like it was cinnimen, it was groess, but thats all i can really say.. i think a lot more stuff happend but i dont remember.... school shopping today! yay lol leave some
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