Nov 24, 2010 15:26
[15:17] * EmilyStanford ( has joined #hol
[15:18] Anyone here?
[15:18] Nope, haven't seen Anyone come in today.
[15:19] But someone has to have said that!
[15:19] I CANT WAIT
[15:19] 40 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:19] ive seen nicky come in *nods*
[15:19] haah ola nicky and Emily ^^
[15:19] Yeah, but Anyone and I are two different people
[15:19] buffez ^^
[15:19] Hey Sweatylove!!
[15:19] Hi.
[15:19] :D
[15:20] oh .. i thought you and Anyone were related?
[15:20] Somewhat
[15:20] Anyone is my great-great-great-something
[15:20] ahh.. i knew it sounded familliar
[15:21] * witchyism goes back to her pizza
[15:21] Who is Anyone?
[15:21] M BUFFSTER!!! *pouncestacklehugglesliekwhoa* G
[15:21] rowanda - nyamoooooooo
[15:21] What?
[15:21] \o/
[15:21] wooot
[15:21] Bye.
[15:21] * EmilyStanford ( has left #hol