
Sep 19, 2005 01:50

It's 2 am.

Funny how so much floats in the back of your head until you get to a blank page, and everything you've been *not* listening to and *not* looking at disappears.

So, yeah. This is to tell you that I'm still alive and with it, and you'll probably be seeing a whole lot more of me on here soon.

We all survived the last week. Yay!

Brian: Here's hoping that you arrived safely in France, and got everything settled in. You should still have my email address, but if not, let me know.

Will: Again, thank you and ann for the wonderful gifts and hospitality of a few weeks ago. The both of you are in my thoughts and soon - SOON! - I will again return to the world of communication. Peace and care to you both.

Everyone else, the next two weeks are my last at the house. Should you care to, you can find me here, on aim (soonish, again) or through cell phone. Let me know if you need the number.
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