Il y a quelques jours, devant la pile de travail qui m'attend pour terminer mon mémoire, je me suis dit : "hey, pourquoi ne pas redémarrer un livejournal et me remettre à écrire des fanfictions ?". C'est chose faite. Je me sens puissante dans l'art de la procrastination.
Et voilà le premier rejeton issu de cette décision, écrit en anglais pour la communauté
tamingthemuse, dans la lignée de ma redécouverte récente de l'univers de Buffy contre les Vampires. Je la traduirai en français plus tard. Peut-être.
Title: he Scent of Mechanic
Fandom: uffyverse
Pairing: kind of Spuffy
Prompt: 35. Perfume
Word Count: 708
Rating: T for language (it's Spike)
Disclaimer: don't own anything from the Buffyverse, of course
Summary: pike gets an unexpected visit.
A/N: Set after AtS "Not Fade Away" (no reference to the comics since I haven't read them all). I imagine that what's left of Angel's team ended up back at the Hyperion after defeating the bad guys one way or another. English is not my native language, so there must be mistakes and strange phrasing (sorry). It's a first attempt at writing in the Buffyverse (and my first entry in the community, by the way), so please don't crucify me if it's not perfect =)
The Hyperion's lobby was quiet when Spike got back from his last assignment. Earlier that night, things had been quite busy, with the phone ringing and the team getting ready to rush to the helpless' rescue. The blond vampire himself had gone to rid a family of some canine zombie. Not exactly the most glorious moment of his champion career, but at least it was paid.
Throwing his jacket on one of the chairs, he went for the kitchen to grab a beer in the fridge. He opened it and took a sip, walking back in the lobby. That's when he saw her, standing before the door, smiling lightly.
« Hello, Spike », she said simply.
Spike choked and nearly spat his beer. « Buffy ? » He looked at her with amazed eyes, trying to recover from the shock, while she got down the stairs to him. After all this time, he didn't expect her to show up in L.A. unannounced, especially since Andrew told them what she thought about their implication with Wolfram & Hart. They weren't working for the big bad lawyer firm anymore, but they hadn't heard from the Slayer anyway.
By the time he had recomposed himself, the woman was standing in front of him. « Missed me ? » She hadn't change a bit. Well, her honey gold hair had grown longer, but she was the same, with her slender figure, confident expression, and sparkling green eyes. « Can't imagine, Love » he grinned, looking down at her, studying her seductive face. From the look on it, you could have said she was there for him, and only him. The idea was appealing, but Spike didn't believe it for a second. If the Slayer was back, there was to be another reason, probably quite apocalyptic. Nevertheless, he shook the feeling away, ready to enjoy the moment.
"Buffy ?"
Of course, he thought. It couldn't last for long. Angel had just appeared on the balcony, and was now going down the stairs, looking as amazed as the bleached-blond vampire had earlier. "Buffy, it's you ?"
"Go away. Can't you see we're busy ?", Spike said with annoyance. You could count on the big damn hero to ruin his moment.
Hearing his voice, Buffy turned her face toward the other vampire. "Angel ?" As her hair moved along, her perfume came crashing on Spike's face. Exactly like he remembered it. Wait. Not exactly. Last time he had the opportunity to smell the Slayer's hair, they didn't had that very subtle metallic scent. Though it reminded him of something... Oh. Bollocks. He knew where he had smelled that odor before.
"It's not Buffy", he stated with a sigh, taking a step away from the girl in question. "It's a fucking robot". The Buffybot. Never thought he'd smelled it again. Angel looked at him, puzzled. "A robot ?"
Spike looked at « Buffy » with disdain. « You really thought you could abuse me with that ? You bloody thing stink like metal miles away. I'm the last person you could trick with a Buffybot. »
The robot looked at him, at first confused, but, when it realised the stratagem wasn't working anymore, it froze in an inhuman position. « We thought you would be happy to have your girl back. We will think of another thank-you-gift for you. » And without adding anything, the robot turned away and went out of the lobby, letting the two vampires behind.
Angel looked at the door shutting door, before turning to Spike. « Thank-you-gift ? What the hell have you done to deserve something like that ? »
Spike shrugged, then took a sip of his now-lukewarm beer before saying : « I fucking don't know. Should have told me champions got troubles with weirdos ... »
« This (he pointed the door the robot had passed with a move of the head) only happens to you. »
« Great », the blond vampire replied dryly. They stayed quiet for a moment before the elder vampire asked casually : « What did you mean when you said you were the last personne that could be tricked by a Buffybot ? »
« None of your business, Ponce. »
Cette histoire de parfum a terriblement évolué depuis les premiers jets, mardi dernier. Ma première idée était plutôt dans la veine du classique one-shot de réflexion sur le parfum d'une fille, mais comme j'en avais déjà lu un (trois fois) peu de temps avant, j'ai tenté autre chose. 3/4 de page de réflexion sur le sujet plus tard, j'en suis arrivée aux robots, après être passée par tout un tas d'idées qui pourront servir plus tard. Il y a beaucoup à dire sur les odeurs et les parfums, mine de rien. C'est un sujet qui m'inspire et que je retravaillerai certainement plus tard. Et puis, juste parce que je suis une archiviste dans l'âme, je vais faire la liste des passages que j'aime sur le sujet dans la littérature et le monde merveilleux de la fanfiction (à commencer par le drabble Spillyria que j'ai lu trois fois).
The Scent of her Hair, babies stole my dingo (agilebrit) - Spru, Spuffy, Spillyria - 100 mots