Feb 12, 2008 13:11

First question: Why am i posting after months of silence?

Te wrote a monster.

No. not just a fic.

She wrote a MONSTER. Like 200,000+ words worth of dirty *DIRTY* FILTH.

Remember that one time when in toonverse Bruce got dosed on No Fear Gas? (and we all remember the dirty *obscene* thing that she wrote for that cartoon don't we folks? The image of Tim chained to a subway rail and getting F**ked 6 ways to Sunday is still burned in MY memory, how about you?

Bless Betty, but she asked Te: "What do you suppose will happen if that happened to *Tim*?"

And the second question?

Why am i using THAT icon for this?


a liiiiiiiittle bit of something for EVERYONE folks.

Its freakin' HUGE, so yeah broken up into parts which will be coming out in Te-designated intervals. Its finished, so all of you who fear the never-to-be finished story? Fear not. There may even be sequels.

One thing tho, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave FEEDBACK! For one very very simple reason. IT MAKES HER WRITE!! and that? can NEVER EVER be a bad thing! This is really a monster, i don't know anyone who has managed something this length in one sitting, so imagine if you did it, and people loved it and no one left a peep? it'll feel horrible. Leave one line, or leave 8 pages (hey i've done it more than once and she loved it. don't be shy) or leave it anonymous if you *are* really shy but leave SOMETHING for her to feel good over, yeah? because she really deserves it. I don't want her to get discouraged and leave again and this time not to come back. I am pretty sure you don't either. Plus a part of me is actually convinced that if you are a te-fic fan, then you will have to be MADE OF STONE to keep silent over this fic.

So, Fic:
Sport Us While We May,Part 1,Tim/Dick
Sport Us While We May,Part 2,Tim/Bruce
Sport Us While We May,Part 3,Tim/Steph,Tim/Jason
Sport Us While We May,Part 4,Tim/Bruce,Tim/Babs
Sport Us While We May,Part 5,Tim/Plot
Sport Us While We May,Part 6,Tim/Roy 1 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 6,Tim/Roy 2 of 2

Mildred wrote a Roy POV for Part 6!!Go see!Roy/Tim, Obviously

Sport Us While We May,Part 7,Tim/Bruce
Sport Us While We May,Part 8,Tim/Kal-El
Sport Us While We May,Part 9,Tim/Kon,Tim/Cassie(sort of)
Sport Us While We May,Part 10,Tim/Kon,1 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 10,Tim/Bart,2 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 11,Tim/More Plot
Sport Us While We May,Part 12,Tim/Connor,1 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 12,Tim/Connor,2 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 13,Tim/Kon(sort of),Tim/Bart
Sport Us While We May,Part 14,Tim/Bruce 1 of 2
Sport Us While We May, Part 14,Tim/Bruce, 2 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 15,Tim/Jason (kind of)
Sport Us While We May,Part 16, Tim/Jason - oh yesss! Is it *ever*!! 1 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 16,Tim/Jason *PURRS PURRS PURRS*!! 2 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 17,Tim/Reality,Tim/Dick,1 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 17,Tim/Reality,Tim/Dick,2 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 18,Tim/Dealing with it,1 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 18, Tim/Jason(a little),Cass, 2 of 2
Sport Us While We May,Part 19,Tim,Steph,Cass,Bruce,Kal, The End.
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