This Is My Life, RatedLife:
Take the Rate My Life Quiz According to this "life rating" business, my spirit score is somewhat low and needs improvement. I verily disagree.
Also, love and social networks (though fun and entertaining) are trivial pursuits. Nothing would thrill me more than dedicating my entirely life to exploring infinite possibilities of "truth," but, lo, I am stuck slaving away (more accuratly "wasting" my time) in school because it's "the best thing" for me (once again, subjective and I tend to disagree) and working endless hours to pay for all my debts and vices.
And how does it happen that money of all things appears to be the most fulfilling aspect of my life??? If this redonculous quiz holds any water, something is REALLY wrong.
Of course it's got to do with the fact I now have three jobs... why do we live like this? Why do I live like this?? And why can't I just let go????