Mar 14, 2011 13:34
I feel as though I have missed something terribly cathartic by deciding, though quite wisely, to refrain from posting during the flood - I have been told that venting one's secrets can balance and put one's mind at ease. So, dear populace, I have confessions to make to you, and hope you will hear them for my own benefit.
Firstly, I confess that I consider the joys of speaking one's mind a privilege still.
Secondly, I confess that I am a woman who enjoys being heard in all things.
And lastly, I confess that I find the underclothes of the future to be absurd. The brassiere is absolutely horrifying - ladies, I know not how you find comfort whilst wearing them! Are you aware that you protrude in certain places?
[Private to Sexby]
What cheer, Jack! Do you recall those certain amusements we partook in during February last? Una and I do, and with a fair amount of fondness as well.
I think we should invite her to sup and lie with us.
[Private to Howie and Parker]
How felicitous the circumstances, that one doctor should disappear as we plot to bring about weakness. Martha has brought me into the infirmary as an aid, and now I am instructed on basic medicine and other things a physician might do.
It was all so very simple.
[Private to Mal]
Fancy a trip to the library, madam?
I'll not take no for an answer.
devil in the shape of a woman,
angelica wears manpants,
no really humours are a thing,
oh god the fuuuuuutuuure