Jul 18, 2006 00:41
Another eventful night in the life of a true geek.
So around 7pm, Heather came over and we intended on scrapbooking for hours, but first, a run to Michael's (Scrapbooking heaven (and wallet hell)). Then we came back because my mother had called and wanted to know if we were going anywhere else because she and my dad were going to take Belle (the older Bassett Hound) to get some blood work done that they had forgotten about. Of course when we got home we found out that the vet was particularly busy tonight so they wonuldn't be going. I then decided that we should venture back out because I was craving a Frappacino (a Frapp, for future reference). We ended up at Target, just across the street from Michaels (yay for wasting gas). After buying our drinks from the convenient Starbucks that was now the first thing to pass in Target, I took us on a well-rounded tour of Target to check out anything new. First stop was 25 feet from the Starbucks in the Junior's section, where I found 4 different skirts, 3 denim and one grey pin-stripped, which I felt the need to try on... I walked away with one of the denim skirts and a possible later consideration for the grey pinstripe (it was very cute and business-like). COntinuing on, I saw a cute pair of shoes, tried those on, and will consider them in the near future. Then I, for once, walked past the electronics, and headed to sporting goods, where I found what I had been thinking about buying - a yoga mat. Now, I had balance once, but I don't anymore, so yoga's out. I do however, need to exercise, and sit-ups are painful on a not-so-cusioned floor, thus my idea.
Of course, I'll be starting sit-ups tomorrow night.
Once we returned from Target, it was 9 o'clock, and we proceeded to scrapbook until midnight, when Heather's mother called her saying things like "you said you'd be home early" and "you told your sister that you'd pick her up at 7:30." - basically my mother in another form (Heather is 23 by the way, and just graduated from the UofA, and is currently looking for a teaching job so she can afford to move away from the ever-constant nagging)
I felt the need to write about my night because I am noticing that though some of my hobbies have changed, I am still the nerd that I was almost 8 years ago in high school. I go shopping, I sit at my computer (reading fanfictions, talking to people online, and now writing in this thing), and now I scrapbook, which is a kind of expensive, time consuming and space demanding hobby. I say this also noting that I went bowling today with my cousin - brought my own shoes and my wrist brace along with me... was missing my own bowling ball, which needs to be re-drilled before I can use it. No wonder I am as naive as I am...