Jun 01, 2006 02:13
Another day slept through 'til 1pm in the afternoon. This time I woke up because my dad called. Turned out he called to tell me and mom to get up and take our medicine. I fear that I am becoming the person my mother is - the woman who stays at home, plays with the dogs, does a very small dose of cleaning, takes like 3 naps, has dinner, watches tv, and goes back to sleep to start the whole process over again. In my case, the tv part is combined with scrapbooking. Unfortunately, I am incapable of doing other things without energy, stability and transportation. If I sleep all the time because I am in pain, I have no energy. If the medicines I take are constantly making me dizzy (once again, I am having issues sitting and looking at the computer screen because of the nauseated feeling in my head and my stomach) then I can't be upright and productive in and out of the house. If I have no stability, then I am incapable of safely transporting myself outside of my house to do ANYTHING, even grocery shop.
- I know I am bitching a lot about this, and everyone who is working is saying to the computer screen that they wish they could be me relaxing and what not. Yada, yada, yada
I know I am relaxing, but believe it or not I am stressing over relaxing (I can hear Josh now "You are stressing over relaxing?") It would bother me just as much if I was working, because I would have to be cutting off my hours because I would be in pain. I move around the house, stand up and sit down, do a lap around the park and that is about it for walking, yet my knees and my hip feel like I am back at Target, which says something right there. I am concerned that my body will get used to lack of movement and such, and that if I pick up the pace when I am supposedly better, that I'll hurt and won't be ready to go back to a fast-paced life. So I stress. I should be Jewish. I could be a good nagging Jewish mom.
Oye Vey.
So after playing 'push the buttons' with the answering service for the osteoporosis doctor's office, I got a call back and was able to talk to a real person. They, unfortunately for me, could not get me an appointment to see this very busy doctor (who they told me was there every day) in until July 10th. God only knows what will happen to me between now and when I leave for Flagstaff, and the time that I am in Flagstaff with only the loonies at Flagstaff Medical Center to help me. Lord have mercy on me... I am only 21 and I haven't been as bad as some of the other kids I went to school with in high school.
So last night, and this is probably going to seem very random, I believe I had a sex dream of some sort, because I vaguely remember waking up looking for Josh, and being very sad to find him not next to me. Then it occurred to me when I woke up why I had one of those dreams, because they always come and taunt me the night before the massively painful cramps come to ruin my week. So now, dizzy, pained rib, minor cough, and really bad cramps. OH YAY
...and I am still dizzy, so I am going to bed... more later
Night All.