Nov 12, 2009 01:08
Well, the topamax is most certainly taking effect. The good news is it does seem to be effective at controlling the seizures. The bad news is that it's as bad as I remember at interfering with the part of my brain responsible for words. Sometimes I'm reading or writing and I look at a word, and I know I should know it, but it's like looking at a foreign language. Finding the right word is very difficult. I often have to work around the concept until the person I'm trying to communicate with can figure it out. My whole mind has become a prison that I feel is falling in around me. My memory is worse than usual, if that's possible, and my cognitive process is slow and fuzzy. I knew this would happen, and I am prepared for it. As much as one can prepare for becoming a dunce, in the hope of saving your kidneys and liver. Some interesting news. Either Medicare is messing with me, or they've decided to become active a bit early. So perhaps I won't have to bear this long. Also, my grandfather had a stroke, but true to his nature, came through it OK, and is now taking arginine for his blood pressure because more aggressive measures would be dangerous. The man is nearly 94. He's a damn tough old bastard to have made it this far. He's more alert and alive now than he was several years ago..
Goodnight all. If you don't have someone to hug, hug yourself :)