Where have I been?

Mar 16, 2008 22:10

Ok, ok, so it's been 4 months since I've written on this darn thing. I'd like to say I've been too busy, but that would only be half-true. I guess I just haven't had anything to say here.

So I need some help. I need a new activity/club/class. With the hubby gone so often for work and many of my friends moved away, I've finally realized that I'm lonely. Don't get me wrong, the friends I do have here are great, but I just need to expand my circle so to speak.

I've tried becoming friendly with people at work, but I feel like I have "desperate" written all over my face. You know how when you're looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/sig. other and you only find that person when you've stopped looking because otherwise you're just so desperate to find someone that you sabotage yourself? I think that's where I'm at with making friends with the people at work. Or anywhere really. I meet someone once and think "ooh, maybe they'll be my friend." And then we never see each other again.

They tried to start a group at my synagogue for my age bracket, but it fizzled after a few events. Seemed that everyone had already formed their cliques before I found out about it anyway. So that's out for now.

So for those of you who know me (and that's everyone who reads this blog), I'd like some ideas for a new activity where I can meet new people. I'm open to any suggestion for now. I'll post the list in a week or two.
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