Well my Birthday was fantastic. Thank you sooo much for your presents, cards and stuff everyone! Holly bought me sea-monkeys! :p. And they are alive btw, they are swimming about the tank now as I type. Had a great Happy Birthday sing song in the social area, and an even greater subway birthday lunch. Chloe - 'Boring'. Haha. Ashby came down and he gave me his lovely presents and I went out for dinner with mi famillia to TGI Fridays. On Friday night me and Ashby went to Bella Napoli for dinner was nice :-). We were gonna go to the place we went to for Amy's birthday but it was too rainy and far away. Then we got Alfie out, another great film that he has chosen for me :p.
On Saturday I worked my last shift in Whale of a Time cause i got a job in Topshop... whoohoo! So excited! Wee cutie in my work texting me though! Yous all seen it yeah :). Then I had the girls up to mine for dinner, then some of us went out after, in fancy dress - i was a nurse, we planned to go to Cube so we went there and I really liked it btw. I like how it was a tenner to get in! But its cool.. cause the music was really good.. mm nooo 'doof doof doof' suppose i can dance to that.. maybe! So we complained to the manager haha! And this stupid cloakroom poon wouldn't give Claudia's jacket back! So we complained to the manager even more! lol. So then we decided to go to Campus. On the way there were people dressed up as Sylverster and Tweety so I stole the Sylverster head and ran about saying I was 'Sylester' Hahaha :). Campus was really really good though, me and Claud never sat down once! Gonna go back soon I think. Then Ashby met me outside where I greeted him with open arms and legs, and we walked and got a taxi home together, he made me pancakes this morning :) I had to walk home with a scarf round my legs cause i forgot to bring jeans with me for the morning hehe.
Gonna go and finish the photo album Rebecca and Miryam got me :).
Holly and Louise
Miryuum and Me
Lesley-Ann and Becca
Me and Bianca. I mean Cindy. Ashton I mean. :p
Chloe and Miryam
How cool is lyndseys dress?!
Role Play ;-)
More role-play :p. Eleanor make me them pink braclets... cutie!!
Oh god!