The TRUE significance of the Libya exchange.

Oct 18, 2012 20:38

As far as I know, very few people in the media have explained the true significance of the "Libya exchange" from the most recent Presidential debate. President Obama's intention when he said "acts of terror" in the September 12th speech, is actually quite irrelevant. What is relevant is that the President baited Governor Romney (whether intentionally or not is for you to decide) and the Governor fell for it. Governor Romney believed he caught the President in a gaffe, that made him so excited, so emotional, that he forgot the big picture. He was far too caught up in embarrassing his opponent, that he forgot to keep his cool, stick to the "facts" and continue. The series of events illustrated (once again) that the Governor too emotional, too impulsive, and far too caught up in himself for the Presidency (which is hilarious because most people running for the Presidency are caught up in themselves). If it was an intentional move by the President, it was indeed a BRILLIANT bit of politicking by the President.
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