Little wonders - John/Rose - PG

Dec 30, 2010 20:33

Title: Little wonders
Author: naty_seixas
Beta: mrssnape13
Pairing: John Smith/Rose Tyler
Rating: PG
Genre: Schmoop
Notes: Part of Smith and Tyler 'verse. Written for schmoop_bingo. Prompt: Massage - foot rub. Title stolen from the song by Rob Thomas.
Word Count: 637
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who
Summary: It's the small moments like these that Rose knows she's loved.

Smith and Tyler extras: back stories, timeline and pictures of inspiration.

Since reaching her fifth month of pregnancy, Rose has begun to suffer from swelling ankles and sore feet. This is why John’s started a new routine to help her to alleviate some of her discomfort: every day after he comes home from work, she goes to bed and he massages her feet.

Tonight, Rose is already in bed when John arrives. At her doctor’s insistence, Rose has had to slow down and start to work in the office until she goes on her maternity leave. So, she spends half the day at Torchwood and, after lunch, she goes home and waits for John. Rose's life has never been so boring, but she doesn't have choice, especially after almost miscarrying in her fourth month.

“How is the most gorgeous pregnant woman in the world?” John asks with a foolish grin on his face when he enters the room.

John has changed during her pregnancy; the idea of becoming a father has turned him into a big softy. Rose finds it hilarious that all she needed to get a little more romance in her relationship was to get pregnant.

“Bored,” she replies with a pout. “And missing her husband.”

He smiles at her and leans over the bed to kiss her and pet her belly. He’s become so affectionate that she knows she'll miss it when the baby is finally born and he goes back to his old self. Not that he wasn't affectionate before, but there's a softness about him that she’s never seen before. She finally gets what her mother told her about how John would change during the pregnancy. She's glad he's excited about having a baby with her.

“Just wait here, I'll have a shower and I'll be right back, okay?” he says while he opens his wardrobe and gets his sweatpants and shirt.

Fifteen minutes later, John is rubbing an aromatic oil in all the right spots to make Rose relax. She loves how he's very attentive, working on one foot at a time; massaging her calf up and down with his fingertips; gently rubbing the bottom of her foot with his thumbs in circling movements. Her favourite part is when he grasps her heel with one hand while the other applies a gentle pressure on the big toe and ball of her foot, stretching the arch. She laughs when he starts to pull every toe and places a kiss to the tip of each.

“I'm so lucky to have you in my life,” she tells him in a trembling voice, observing the way he caresses her feet.

He looks at her, clearly touched by her words, but shakes his head.

“No, Rose. I am the lucky one,” he says stopping the massage and sliding on the mattress till he is beside her. “You’ve given me the things I could never have imagined having in my life.”

They stay in silence just enjoying the closeness when Rose feels the baby kicking. Quickly, she catches his hand and puts it on her belly. She loves to watch his face light up every time he feels the baby move.

“Hello, son,” he says to her stomach.

Rose smiles and pets his hair while he talks to the boy.

At first, she was afraid of his reaction, but now, looking at him bonding with their baby still in her belly, Rose feels silly about her initial worry. Clearly, John was born to be a father.

“Come on, lay down now,” he tells her after the baby stops moving. “Let's get some sleep.”

Rose yawns in answer and gets close to him. The last thing she remembers before falling asleep is a kiss on her forehead and whispered words that sound a lot like “I love you.”

'verse: smith and tyler, schmoop bingo, the stuff of legend, the motherfucking otp, challenges make me crazy, fandom: doctor who, pairing: alt!doctor/rose, kid fic makes me happy, au is better than canon, schmoop mafia baby, fanfic

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