She's so lovely - Sheldon/Penny - PG

Dec 29, 2010 20:28

Title: She's so lovely
Author: naty_seixas
Beta: mrssnape13
Pairing: Sheldon/Penny
Rating: PG
Genre: Schmoop
Notes: Written for schmoop_bingo. Prompt: Christmas - Baking Cookies. Part of the Lifetime 'verse. Title from She's So Lovely by Scouting for girls.
Word Count: 1,942
Disclaimer: I don't own Big Bang Theory.
Summary: The first time Leonard sees Penny he's pretty sure he found the love of his life.

Leonard meets the woman of his dreams when he moves to California.

He has his door open, waiting for the rest of his things to arrive when she appears at his door.

“Hi,” he hears a female voice.

Leonard turns over and blinks, his heart skipping a beat at the sight in front of him. She's the most gorgeous woman that has ever talked to him.

“I don't mean to interrupt, I live across the hall,” she says with a friendly smile.

“Hi,” Leonard says with a weak voice. He clears his throat, embarrassed. He doesn't want this beautiful thing to think he's an idiot who can't manage to talk with a woman.

“Hello, I guess I'm your new neighbor,” she tells him, getting closer to his door. Leonard swallows and gives her a nervous smile.

“Oh, that's nice,” he says. “I'm Leonard, by the way”.

“Penny,” she says, smiling.

Leonard thinks the world probably lights up around her every time she smiles.

“Hi,” he says again. Idiot, he thinks.

“Well, welcome to the building!” she says in a cheerful tone.

“Oh, thank you!” he gives her another smile.

“Maybe we can have coffee sometime, so you can meet some new people around here. I know how much it sucks to move to a new place and not know anyone,” she tells him.

“That would be great!” he agrees.

He can't believe she wants to get to know him. Leonard can see all the possibilities lying in front of him.

“Well, come over around five and I'll make you a nice coffee, alright?” she tells him, pointing at her place.

“Okay, thanks,” he says with a weak smile. She waves at him before turning her back towards her apartment.

“Our babies will be smart and beautiful,” he mutters while he watches her close the door.


“Well, make yourself at home,” Penny says to him, opening the door.

“Thank you,” he feels suddenly shy and goes to sit at her sofa.

“So, what are you doing here in California?” she asks.

“Oh, I'm a physicist,” he starts.

She interrupts him.

“Oh, I love physicists!” she says with a glint in her eyes.

“Really?” he asks, surprised and a little smugly. Oh God, she's flirting with him.

“Yes,” she giggles. “Oh my God, where do you work?”

“I just started at Caltech last week,” her eyes widen and she smiles, looking excited.

“That's amazing, Leonard! My...,” but before she can finish her sentence, the sound of a key in the lock makes her stop.

“Hey, sweetie!” she says in a cheerful voice and Leonard close his eyes for a second.

Don't let it be a boyfriend. Don't let it be a boyfriend, Leonard repeats in his head.

He turns around and he can't believe who is at the door. The famous Doctor Sheldon Cooper is standing in the doorway.

“Hello,” the man says with a suspicious voice, not letting his eyes leave Leonard. “And who are you?”

“Sheldon, be nice,” Penny says in a warning voice. “This is Leonard, he's our new neighbor sweetie.”

“Hello, Dr. Cooper,” he says in an unsteady voice. He can't believe he's the neighbor of the genius guy from Caltech. Leonard stands up and extends his hand. Sheldon gives him a disdainful look.

“Clearly, you're a physicist if you know who I am,” he says smugly. “But I don't know who you are.”

“I'm Dr. Hofstadter. I just got hired at Caltech,” he says, uncertain of how to proceed.

“Of course, the man with the derivative work. Yes, I know who you are,” Sheldon says with an arrogant tone.

Yeah, Leonard thinks. Everyone was right about him.

“Sheldon, play nice,” Penny tells him. Sheldon rolls his eyes and says in a forced way:

“Welcome to our home. I hope my wife didn't try to kill you with her awful coffee.”

When Penny hits his arm, Leonard tries to muffle his laugh.

Serves him right, Leonard thinks.

Seconds later the information finally sinks in.

Wife. Penny is Dr. Sheldon Cooper's wife.



“You're kidding me?” Howard says, incredulous.

“Dude, are you sure?” Raj asks.

“Pretty sure. I was standing there with my jaw dropped,” Leonard tells them. “They're a kinda weird couple, high school sweethearts or something. I wasn't paying much attention because I was trying to figure out how an asshole like Sheldon could get a hot and sweet girl like Penny. I do not compute.”

“God moves in mysterious ways,” Howard says, trying to sound wise.

“Dude, you know what that means, right?” Raj inquires.

“No, what?” Leonard asks, curious.

“It means if a freak like Sheldon can get a hot wife, so can we.”

“Raj, you can't even talk with women.”

The man gives Leonard an irritated look, but doesn't reply.

“What I'm trying to say is: the world isn't fair,” Leonard says, annoyed.

“Awww, someone has a crush on the hot and married neighbor,” Howard teases, making Leonard blush.

“I don't have a crush. She's married and I respect that.”

Leonard finishes his lunch and gets up.

“I have to get back to work.”

Leonard hates Howard a little at the moment. He’s had unrequited crushes before, but nothing like this. Never towards a married woman. Obviously, he won't do anything, but he wonders what would happen if Penny was single.

He shrugs his thoughts off. Penny clearly isn't a single woman and he should get over himself.


“You're not even watching it!” Leonard hears Penny yell.

“I can hear it!” Sheldon replies.

“What? The dialogue offends you?”

“I would hardly call that dialogue!”

“Sheldon, give me the remote control back or I'll call your mum!”

Leonard puts his hands over his eyes and shakes his head. They're insane.

He's been living in the building for seven months and he's already used to the screams coming from across the hall. It's not unusual for Penny and Sheldon to have an argument. They could pick a fight about the most ordinary thing. What he doesn't get is why Penny is still married to Sheldon.

Over the months he's been living in the building, he’s gotten to know Penny. He was right about everything he had first thought about her. She was kind, funny, smart in an average way and really pretty. They had become fast friends; they'd always talk in the hallway and, sometimes, he'd even get invited to eat with them. It’s still a mystery to him why Penny puts up with Sheldon. She’s far too good for him. And the huge crush he’s developed for her doesn't help the way he sees their relationship.

Penny deserves a man who will care about what she does, will actually pay attention to her and will treat her like the lady she is. A man who will be good for her, not someone like Sheldon. He doesn't even care that Leonard and Penny are friends! If she was his wife, Leonard would never let any man get near enough to Penny to be her friend.

Sometimes he wonders if Penny has some self-esteem problems; that would be a reasonable explanation for her marrying someone like Sheldon.

He listens as their door closes violently and a second later she's knocking at his.

“Can I come in?” she asks, looking annoyed.

“Sure,” he smiles at her, letting her pass.

He sighs and closes the door. He's her friend and he'll always support her. He likes her too much to let her know what he really thinks about her relationship. It's not his business. He’ll just be there for her when she needs him. Leonard prefers to have Penny as his friend than not having her in his life at all.


“Come on in!” Penny yells, cheerfully.

Leonard smiles and opens the door of her apartment. Penny’s invited him to the Christmas dinner she and Sheldon are having and he’s offered to help. They wouldn't go back to Texas because he was busy with his research, so they decided to stay in California and just see their family during Easter.

He's surprised to find Sheldon and Penny in the kitchen. They are laughing while they make cookies. Penny is covered in flour while Sheldon looks impeccable like always.

“Hello,” he says.

“Hello,” they greet him with a wave of their hands.

“Sit over here, Leonard,” Penny says, pointing to the chair next to the balcony. “We're finishing this family recipe and you can help with the next one.”

“Okay,” he agrees and watches them.

Leonard’s never seen them like this. They're working together in a comfortable silence. Sheldon's smiling at her every time their eyes meet, which gives Leonard a good shock. He’s never seen a real smile on Sheldon's face, just his smug ones. And Penny looks radiant. Leonard can actually see her whole face glowing with happiness. She looks so beautiful.

She gets the cookies out of the oven and puts in a new baking pan. Sheldon watches her with a little smile and, when she starts to decorate the baked cookies, he gets closer and puts his hand over her waist. She looks at him and gives him an excited giggle. He kisses Penny's cheek, his other hand caressing her face with his fingertips. She takes advantage of his position and kisses his lips.

Leonard feels suddenly uncomfortable for being there, observing an intimate moment between the couple. He clears his throat when he notices things are getting a little heated over there.

“Sorry,” Penny says, her face flushed and pleased from the kissing.

Sheldon takes the opportunity to get a cookie without Penny noticing.

“Okay, it doesn't taste like the ones Meemaw makes, but they're surprisingly edible,” Sheldon says before Penny hits his arm.

“Don't eat it!”
He shrugs her off and continues to eat the cookie.

She rolls her eyes and let him have his treat.

Leonard is very impressed by the way they're behaving. They don't even look like the couple he's used to hearing yell and fight.

“I'm sorry you're stuck with me this Christmas,” Leonard hears Sheldon mutter.

“Oh, sweetie, I'm where I'm supposed to be,” Penny says with a knowing smile.

“I know you enjoy spending this time of year with the family,” he says and Leonard can feel his guilt through his words. He's utterly astonished by Sheldon's sensitiveness. He’d thought the man was incapable of that.

“Yeah, I miss them, but I'm with my best friend. It's not so bad,” Penny says, grinning at him.

Sheldon's face lights up and he kisses her forehead. They go back to work in silence, sneaking a look at each other every now and then.

Leonard looks at them and, for the first time, he gets why they're together. They're friends before they're husband and wife. They fight and they tease, but they understand and respect each other. And they are clearly in love. Leonard feels like an idiot for thinking otherwise about their relationship. He is the one with the wrong feelings and assumptions.

Leonard glances at Penny's flushed face and Sheldon's relaxed expression and he knows they're exactly where they're supposed to be.

Yeah, Leonard thinks bitterly, Howard was right when he said God moves in mysterious ways.

beauty and the geek, schmoop bingo, the motherfucking otp, challenges make me crazy, caught in a romance, 'verse: lifetime, fandom: big bang theory, au is better than canon, schmoop mafia baby, that all started with a big bang, fanfic, pairing: sheldon/penny

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