"You're a trainwreck, but I wouldn't love you if you changed"

Aug 30, 2010 13:38

Sheldon/Penny Rec List


Life, the Universe, and Everything - March 9th, 2011, is just another day in the life for Penny and her roommate, Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
Driving Lessons - She never thought it would work out.
Crossing the Line - She didn't understand a word he said but it was nice watching him be so confident, so completely sure of himself, as he said stuff about world-sheet duality and extreme charged black holes.


Your Endgame Must Be Suicide - She doesn't know why they have a business major taking a physics class, or why her professor's hands are scarred, or why he hates himself. AU.
Your Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal - Let it never be said that Sheldon Lee Cooper ignored the pleas of a damsel-in-distress.


Chirality - In none of these universes is Sheldon dancing.
Stay Classy, San Diego - "Sheldon ingests some Viagra (by prank, accident, whatever) and is put in an awkward position (figuratively and/or literally) when Penny won't leave him alone"
The Inevitability Affinity - Sixteen established facts Dr. Sheldon Cooper finds highly illogical. And one he doesn't.
The Groundhog Day Assimilation - Who the hell just wakes up one morning thinking she's dating her boyfriend's roommate? Oh, right. Penny.
It's In All In The Name - Everyone finds out on a Thursday in miserably hot August.
Red Gauntlet - The thing Penny loved most about sex with Sheldon was the way he constantly struggled for coherence.
Suddenly There You Were - Penny discovers something that's been right in front of her the whole time.
Put a Ring on It - Buying a ring may be the dumbest thing Sheldon Cooper has ever done.
Experiments on Gravitation - There are about six million risks in pointing out that Sheldon has missed anything.
Collision: The Earth Moved 1,117.7 Miles In Our Kitchen - Like Wonder Woman, Superman, She-Ra and all those characters her geeky friends cherished, Penny knew in one single, glorious moment what she had to do.
The Better Cooper - Sheldon's brother visits. He takes an interest in Penny. Shelodn proves to her why he is the better Cooper Brother!
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Relationship - Thirteen glances at Penny and Sheldon as a couple.

Fandom Related Things

The Epic Rationalization List + Picspam
The Penny/Sheldon Ship Manifesto

rec time, fandom: big bang theory, pairing: sheldon/penny

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