Eleven/Rose Rec Master Post

Jun 13, 2011 23:50

PS.: The majority is the Eleven!canon, but some of them are not.

Make it Count - His life is pulsing against her back and she feels the murmur along his heart, against her back. It’s almost like the illusion of a double heartbeat.

World Without You - Eleven sees Amy and Rory together, thinks of another couple.

Remembered - Eleven remembering Rose during The Big Bang and the repercussions of that train of thought.

I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
- The year was 2002, she was sixteen-years-old, the skirt she wore was more of a belt and he really shouldn't be here.

Flashes of Light and Unfinished Sentences - She's just searching for a bloke.

A Good Egg, Slightly Cracked
- Rory starts to understand the Doctor when he finds him looking through an old photo album. Suddenly, he's not so envious of the Doctor anymore.

The Wonder That's Keeping the Stars Apart - The Doctor needs a moment to gather strength and to remember.

Effervescence - His pain, so raw and hot, is smoldering in him when even the basest of things, when even words were denied him and he knew then that time lords could waste time, because he had wasted his.

You Never Told Me About Lives Gone Unfinished - But now, standing in front of him in the dying wind, she tells him that she remembers. That the memories found her, even where he couldn’t go. All those worlds away, all those walls and he could still reach her. It's important that he knows. That she can always remember, that she can still be found.

My days in the sun - There are nineteen years of Rose Tyler on planet Earth. Nineteen years for the Doctor to ration at a distance, never speaking to her, only watching as she laughs and cries her way through life.

Clocks - There really aren't enough chances to say goodbye.

A Time Lord's Sense of Cruelty - Time doesn't really have a sense of humour. Which is why the Doctor thinking time has a cruel sense of humour the day Rose Tyler stumbled into his life again probably does tell you more about him than it does time.

Paradoxes in London - "You alright, mate?"

Things that Stay the Same - Just as she's found him again, Rose has to deal with a new incarnation of the Doctor.

Itch - He needs to get her out of his system, somehow.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot? - The Doctor unintentionally finds himself crossing paths with Rose Tyler the year before they met. Sequel: We're going on a bear hunt.

A Little Longer - He's more old-fashioned now, so he brings her flowers.

Dum Spiro Spero - "Toast and tea and Rose," he mutters, and kisses her again. The inside of her mouth is slick and warm and tastes faintly like grape preserves and Earl Grey. "Now why didn't I think of that?" He makes a comical face, one of his braces slipping down a shoulder. "Stupid old me. Fish and custard, indeed. To be fair, she'd have had a tough time of getting you out of the icebox, but still..."

Making things right - She glances up at him, forgetting she still has the mascara marks on her cheeks. “Yes, quite upset about something, I’d say.” He pulls a handkerchief from nowhere and hands it to her. "Um. Thanks," Rose says softly as she takes it and dabs her eyes. The man clears his throat and says in a slightly somber voice “…I’m sorry, by the way.”

Those stolen moments for teatime
- He hadn’t ever quite said who he was, but it hadn’t taken her long to figure it out.

Is a gift, my dear, from me - It wasn’t long until he was scratching his palms.

The pain of remembering
- The happy memories are the ones that hurt the most.

Through And Through - The cracks in the skin of the universe were open; it shouldn’t have been surprising that the fabric between his universe and hers had also come undone.

Circuitous - He pressed a kiss to her temple while they swayed, bought himself a few precious seconds to process her words. She felt so much like his companion. Thinner, maybe, but she was made of the same flesh that was Rose. She still smelled like ripe, red strawberries and the tea she made them both as she stumbled blearily around the TARDIS soon after waking. Her hair still caught around the tips of his fingers, made gently rough from so many uses of peroxide. Her cheeks flushed in the same angled pattern when she was pressed against him, and her hand fit his like there were no other hands in the world.

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - He had meant to come here, so he didn’t know why he was so surprised. Maybe because she’d never mentioned this, never mentioned improbably meeting an odd stranger at a New Year’s party. But it wasn’t improbability at all. It was the absolute certainty that he would always find a way back to Rose.

His Girl Friday - In which the Doctor dreams a conversation with himself.

Wait - Because Eleven communicates best with little girls.

A kind of grace - On the outside looking in as a loudmouthed ginger in a white gown dances with her new groom, his thoughts stray towards Rose Tyler-and he lets them.

Something Borrowed - After sacrificing himself, the Doctor ends up in the least expected of places.

Chasing Dreams and Catching Them
- A flight of fancy, really. A hypothetical conjecture.

Point of origin - All ghost stories have their origins in some small form of truth.

Nothing is Ever Forgotten - And whenever Amy reminded him of the twelve years, he could imagine a signature grin aimed at him, and that voice he wouldn’t admit to missing saying “Well, that’s even worse than twelve months!”

Still a perfect fit - They’re just two strangers on a park bench.

For Us, Time is Relative - Oh, he is a thief, the Doctor is. A thief of the worst kind, but she is the one that he has always wanted to keep.

Madmen and Love - So she leaves his spent body behind, another wound opening on a cardial battleground; the ache of her palms filled by Torchwood gunmetal.

The Pathos of Forgiveness - It is a relief to see the grand and impossible through the small and lonely; it makes everything easier and greater, makes him learn how it feels to be breathless.

Make Believe - “I love benches.”

You Always Dance at Weddings - She huffs, but takes his hand when he offers it. For someone so thin, he is inexplicably strong enough to pull her to her feet.

Small Wonders - A Harry Potter AU; small snippets of the Doctor’s life at Hogwarts.

One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon - The Doctor steals one night, one night between giant cakes and ginger girls; he keeps one night for himself.

The turning of the moon - Rose has learned that with the Doctor, with this Doctor, almost everything has a time limit.

For a Lover of Long Ago - He pays for the book and before he leaves stops at the guestbook, signing it the same as ever. Dame Rose of the Powell Estate.

Same man - Rory and the Doctor were trapped in the bottom of a Holgathian water pit when the storm broke over their heads.

the doctor in the tardis with rose tyler, rec time, doctor/rose=the true platonic love, the motherfucking otp, fandom: doctor who, time can be rewritten, pairing: doctor/rose

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