Nov 12, 2004 14:59
I upset my girlfriend Jenna this afternoon and now I feel crappy because she has done a lot for me and she is the one I love.
Well I was going through a down mood which is just were I feel down and well I snapped and sh*t and I shouldn't have.
I kinda said the other night one more argument and we would be finished which was kinda dumb and I am trying to resolve the situation now, Because I hate arguing with her it's like arguing with myself.
I fear losing her but I don't think I will lose her over this, we make it through even the worst of the arguements and while I have been dumb I would say we have got past worse than this.
As if all that isn't bad enough my phone is missing in action so I can't even call and say sorry :(
Sometimes I think I only open my mouth to put my foot in it. I hope to resolve this before I leave work.
I asked myself just now "Does Jenna mean a lot to you?" the answer came back instant it was "No"
She doesn't mean a lot to me because she means the world to me and I mean that with all my heart. I love her and I know that acting like a jerk after all she has done for me is a dumb move.
I love you Jen and I am sorry.