Ahh me. Why oh why did the Olympics have to come this winter? Or a better question would be: why did the MCAT have to be so inconveniently scheduled?? Grr..
I am so easily distracted, especially by things I actually like. A prime example of an appealing distraction, duh, is the Olympics. Considering the amount of work I will perpetually have for the next two months, this is not a good situation for me. I'm currently struggling to write this post because I am having a hard time tearing my eyes away from the TV, through which I am watching 2 Austrians win gold medals in ski events.
I estimate, on average this semester, that I spend 30 hours per week sitting in a classroom/lecture hall. I probably spend about 70 hours per week studying for the said class hours. If you did the math (don't really do the math - come on, now) you would find that I can't really afford the time I have devoted to House MD, the Olympics, and this post. Hah. I'm only kindof kidding. It's not healthy not to take breaks .. this I learned in my first couple years of college, during which time I ran myself into the ground.
*whiny voice* I miss crewwwww! I so wish I had time to row this semester because I am in such awesome shape...blargh *end whiny voice*. At least I am staying in shape for after the MCAT (April 22) so that in case a boat needs me I can row.
At this point, I thank goodness for yoga .. and Dante. Together, they are my anti-drug. Woot.
Call me crazy, but chilling like this for a few minutes has been doing wonders for me:
At this point, I'm not going to question anything that works :). This pose is called Halasana, which translates to "plow pose." Benefits:
calms the brain (thank goodness),
stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland,
stretches the shoulders and spine,
helps relieve the symptoms of menopause (umm not applicable to me),
reduces stress and fatigue (very much applicable to me),
therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia, sinusitis. Welp, that's all for now folks...
Catch y'all on the flipside.
PS - please pardon any grammatical errors .. ice dancing just came on.