Dec 02, 2005 20:27
Concert. There is much to say.
I spent the last period of class glancing at the clock every few seconds. I couldn't wait. I was going to the BEST concert of the BEST bands at the BEST venue with my BEST friends (Not including Haylie, of course. i still wish you had come, even if you probably would hate MCR even more after it. Details on that later). Dad picked us up right from school. Mairen and I were scrambling to get changed after the bell had already rung. There were a bunch of girls in the change room getting ready for basketball or something. Hannah and Brenda were among them. Hannah hoped I had fun and Brenda gave me the Evil Eye. Hee hee.
So Dad picked us up. I was trying to stuff everything from my locker into my bag, during which Mr. McKague was saying shit about telling my dad that I owe a bunch of homework. He thought that might have something to do with my ability to go to the concert. It made me mad, and I actually told him to shut up. I love that guy as a teacher, but there are some things he does that pisses me off to no end.
We drove to port Perry and picked up Val. She got changed in the back seat. Valerie has become really abnormally pretty in the past year or so, it's almost scary. All of my friends are really pretty. It makes me feel nice that all of these unbelievably attractive people want to hang out with me. *feels all fuzzy inside*
Aaaanywho... we drove to Toronto, cracking jokes the entire way. We were somewhere near Scarborough when Mairen broke off mid sentance and went "OH MY GOD. WE'RE GOING TO SEE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE IN CONCERT. THAT LIKE JUST HIT ME." And we all laughed. She's a slow one, that Mairen.
We had dinner at Mr Sub, and we all got wraps. The guy making the wraps was really funny and had different names for everything. Lettuce=grass, Tomatoes=Tummy-Toes, Onions=Breath Fresheners, Pickles=Tickles. Shit like that. Hilarious. We devoured our wraps and hurried outside, so exited we found the fact that Mairen's water bottle was thouroughly frozen unbelivably hilarious.
We got to Arrow Hall and dad dropped us off telling us to be safe and guard the cell phone with your life and blah blah blah. I didin't listen, of course. I was much to hyped up to say anything. The line was insane. We got there at 5:45 and didn't get inside till like 7:20. AND it was freezing and Maya and Mairen were only wearing flimzy hoodies. I laughed. Their fault.
We got in late, then we had to check our coats. By the time we were all in, Circa Survive was already almost done. Mairen and Maya were complainging about having to go the the washroom, so i had to wait as all three of them waited in the lineup.
They made me stand there for ALL of Circa Survive's set.
It made me mad, so I spazzed when they come out. I overreacted, but I really, really wanted te see them. Mairen and Maya drifted away and Val and I, holding eachothers hand in a vice grip, made our way steadily forward as Thrice got ready to take the stage.
And when they did, it was amazing.
We kept stumbling into these mosh circles, and i accedantally tripped into one and got knocked around a bit. It hurt, but it was fun. Yes, I am Tara the Queen of the Mosh. Val got elbowed in the eye twice.
Once they were done, we went to find Mairen and Maya. We found them, got Val some ice and drank a lemonade, which was so good.
Val went to get the Toque O' Fanmail, and I called Dad to tell him My Chem was about to start. Little did I know, it would be the last time I ever saw that cellphone. Instead of storing it in a zippered pocket (and I had plenty, I was wearing my Pants of Death), I quickly stashed it in one of my main ones. Then Val and I started shoving our way to the front.
It was INSANE up there. It was like moshing without the music. I was crammed up against everyone else, moving constantly just trying to stay upright. I got pitched right into this one girl, so I just laughed and went, "Hi!"
"I'm Tara!"
"I'm Kayleigh!"
Then I got pitched away again, and said goodbye. There was this really good-looking guy who said hi then went, "I lost my girlfriend somewhere in that... general direction." I'm sure he would have pointed, but all of our arms were pinned to our sides. I was thirsty, I kept standing on Val and "dry" was a beautiful, long-distant and faded memory.
But I was having the time of my life, in a very uncomfortable way.
After what seemed like forever, the lights finally dimmed.
"Since we talked to her now...."
The roar of the crowd was deafening, and I was screaming right along with them.
"Come angels of the lord... come angels of the lord...."
The curtain was dropped, and there they were.
They played "Thank You For The Venom" first, then "Cemetery Drive", which made me happy. Some time during Drive, I got knocked down (along with about ten other people). There were people piled on top of me, and I was half aware I was lying on someone. Val's hand had slipped from my grip, and now there was just people. I could hear her voice occasionally calling out "GET OFF! GET THE FUCK OFF HER!!" Yeah, that's my Val. Sure, it was uncomfortable, but i wasn't in any pain. And in a strange way, I was having fun. Val's face kept popping into my feild of view, and she'd always ask the same question, "Are you okay??" "Yeah, i'm fine." Was all I could say. Even when I had six people sitting on me. Even when I had my face crushed into the crotch of some guy's pants. Even when I couldn't get up because one person had fallen on my chest, two more on my legs, and I could look up and see the legs of a bout three people whe were mercifully not stepping on my head, but on my hair instead (people kept trying to drag me up, but I couldn't because they were standing on my hair. Fun). Finally, some guy took my hand and dragged me up.
"Are you alright?" He asked, sheilding me against the hundreds of moshers. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I said, for the twelve billionth time of the night. He just smiled and went back to dancing, and I fought my way back. This was just too much.
I tried to buy a drink, but most of my money had fallen out while I was on the floor, and the drinks were all at highway robbery prices. So I just had to go thirsty. I went back, though not quite so close. I'd already been within metres, had my moshing expirience for the night, and thoroughly established that the entire band was SO MUCH HOTTER in person, now I just wanted to listen to the music.
It was then that is dawned on me that Gerard SUCKED.
It wasn't just they way he was singing, he was switching the music around and just looked like a bit of a jerk while on stange. he was making the hand movements and grabbing himself WHICH WAS ORGASMIC, and I must admit, it was good. But it wasn't great. It wasn't what I'd expected him to be. He didn't say anything even mildly inteligent the entire night, exept when he said:
"Okay, if there is anyone near the front who is too hot, uncomfortable, has fallen over or just can't take it, can you please let them out?! We're here for eachother, please help anyone who's hurt."
And you need to give him snaps for that. There was also when someone chucked a shirt at him and he picked it up and went "Awww! A T-Shirt! For me? Thaaaanks." It was good, and when he said in this sing-song voice, "ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR! BACK THE FUCK UP!!" It was rather amusing.
The insturmantal bit was good. Bob looked like he was having the time of his life (and looked hot as fuck doing it. Which is weird, because I've never found him attractive, but I did this time), Ray and Frank were headbanging their brains out and Mikey looked ultimately swoon-worthy. The sound was beautiful, but Gerard ruined it.
As an encore, they played "I'm Not Okay" and then three big things of confetti exploded and doused us all. I was in the back dancing like an idiot and getting the evil eye from Maya, who had lossed her shoe and decided it was the end of the world. I had found out to my ultimate dismay that I had lost my cell, and knew outright that Dad was going to crucify me, but I thought I'd have fun for one more song.
Val and Mairen and I found eachother, and Val told me she nearly fainted, re-broke her toe and sprained her wrist. Accident-prone? Who, VAL?!?!? Hee hee. Sorry, Val. I love you.
I called Dad and broke the no-cell news to him. He just sort of moaned and said it was too bad, which was worse than screaming. He was dissapointed. I'd let him down.
We had to wait at Hall 6 for him to pick us up. Dad got mad because we were at the wrong side. It said Hall 6 from where we were coming. It's not our fault we didn't see him. Maya was limping along wearing one shoe, whining about how cold it was. It was below freezing and she was wading through puddles, so it's understandable. But she just wouldn't shut up. For no reason at all we started singing the Oscar Myer Weiner song at the top of our lungs, then dad picked us up.
Brooke gave me the cold shoulder the entire way home. She was mad because it was her cell too, and I'd lost it. I felt bad, it was my stupid mistake, but I sure as hell paid for it. She was mad as hell.
We're friends again now, though. She's in the next room watching the Live 8 DVD. Linkin Park is on. Before she was oggling Bono from U2 like a horny schoolgirl and I chucked popcorn at her. I could not wish for a cooler stepmom. I really love her.
So that was the concert (and a bit of my friday evening). All in all, t'was FUN. But my respect for a mister Gerard Arthur Way has dwindled conciterably.
EDIT: I'm aware a shitload of these words are spelt wrong. I don't care. It's late and I'm tired, and don't want to fix 'em. So ha.
circa survive,