If your in TUCSON or anywhere near, join us!
The Tucson Raging Grannies INVITE YOU TO JOIN US on an action/protest 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Tuesday, September 11 at the intersection of Tucson Blvd. & Speedway. The plan is to parade the 4 intersections crosswalks continuously, with all the usual signs and props (and maybe a break-away to protest in front of the Recruitment Center at 2302 E. Speedway). This event is in part a remembrance of 9/11, together with protest against the war in Iraq and the possible bombing of Iran as early as this week. It also will address impeachment and the biased, warmongering media.
COME, use some of the Grannies’ props, banners or signs, or bring your own.. The World Can’t Wait is offering orange jump suits (obvious anti-torture/impeachment costume) for you to wear. And who has those black (cardboard) coffins?
If you are not in TUCSON, consider this and check the link:
There is a call for a national GENERAL STRIKE on 9-11, promoting No Work, No School, Buy Nothing…to protest: the endless war, torture, surveillance, lies & tyranny. (Check out
www.strike911.org ) Among many organizations, Cindy Sheehan’s Gold Star Families for Peace, and Rosie O’Donnell endorse this project.
Please share this message with your friends, family, co-workers, and invite all to join us.