God smiled upon us this weekend :)

Jul 26, 2005 14:45

I took a big step and drove the furthest EVER by myself to see Roger! :) It is a super easy trip and the 4 1/2 hours actually go by pretty fast. I headed up there Friday morning around 9:30 ish and got there after 2. I met him at his job as he was finishing up early and he got to show me what he's working on and I even got to help a little bit! :) Then we proceeded to have almost three days of lots of outdoor fun in GORGEOUS weather! IT turned out perfect, it had cooled and the humidity was down, so it was nice to be out and enjoy the sun. And it was cool at night so it was perfect. We got a LOT of fishing in. Even checked out a place he had never gone and we took his canoe there. We caught some bass and pickerol there. And I Believe every single time we went fishing, I outfished him ;) He always claims he LETS me of course, but I know that deep down he's pretty darn proud of me. It would seem that i'm a natural at both fishing and shooting. I don't know why, but I seem to suddenly be able to catch a lot of fish, including some pretty darn big bass and some really nice pickerol. And he's teaching me to use his shotguns and even a pistol and we shoot at targets. We shot targets with his friend Abe Friday and I did as well as they did! Both were pretty impressed. I rather enjoy it myself, never thought i'd enjoy using guns. It's really awesome to see Roger proud of me! :) We tried shooting clay pigeons as well and I didn't do so well there. I didn't really expect to hit one anyway, it's super hard! They hit a few, though they claim that's rare for them. I think they were being too modest.

So I met a lot of Roger's friends and while I was really nervous, I think overall it went well. All his friends are really cool and nice, so I enjoyed it. We went on his dinner cruise Saturday night and it was GORGEOUS out. Perfect sunset and we went all up Lake George and back. The food was SUPER good, and we had fun looking at all the fancy homes along the way and talking about what we want and don't want for our own home someday. It was really nice.

I really enjoy his brother and his parents, but they still make me nervous! His folks are kind of quiet to me, and I never know what to say to them. Roger says how his mom brags about me to people and apparently calls me the hunting and fishing Barbie. Heh, I didn't know if that was a compliment at first or what, but apparently she's happy about it :) And she's anxious to see us married! So I guess I shouldn't worry, though I do wish we talked more. I guess it will come in time. I know I know, I worry too much ;)

We just had a really peaceful weekend, and I just LOVE fishing with him, more and more each time! And I have more and more fun with Roger when i'm with him. He's so sweet and funny and loving. I am blessed. This trip was good. I got to go to his church Sunday too and that was AWESOME! :) It's a great church, I so felt God's love there and the pastor's passion and excitement. IT was genuine and I really appreciated it. I met a lot of people too and I got to see Big Pete from Houghton there too! We had an awesome time catching up and hopefully we will all hang out other times when I come up again.

I was really encouraged and excited to know how much I enjoyed his church, because we could very well be going there when we are married :)

We also finished the Star Wars movies and watched the original three, one each night. Roger seemed to really enjoy them and was sad it was all over! Now he has to see the extended versions of the original and then the extended versions of LOTR! We've got a HUGE movie list! ;)

It was super hard to have to leave and come back yesterday. I dread coming back here more and more. It does help to have Matt here. He's been pretty good,(other than the internet thing!) even helped with groceries today and seems to be getting along as well as one can with Gram. But now I really need to face getting a job and accepting my time here, cuz it could still be a while. Augh, I need to work on the whole being content with my life at the moment and to be PATIENT. I'm getting anxious to move on, to take that big step called marriage. I want to be with Roger and i'm sad having to leave him and maybe not see him for 3 more weeks until hopefully I can get up there again. He'll be really busy and MAY try and come up in between, but he's not sure. So in the meantime I can't just sit around and mope and pine like I tend to do. I guess it doesn't help that all this family drama is escalating. I shouldn't get into it here, there's a lot of personal stuff. But it's REALLY frustrating and I just don't know what to do about all of it. It makes it hard to live here and I just want to run away and not deal with it.

Well that's enough rambling I guess. I'm trying to do that less but it's harder not to now since I rarely get on to talk to people, and this is the only way it seems some of you can keep tabs with me. Those few of you that still do ;) Amy, sorry I haven't responded to your pictures on your journal, but everytime I try to, all your pictures on your journal i guess are big enough and my internet is sucky enough, that it freezes my internet and I have to um usually restart my comp :X I keep trying to see that first one where it looks like the girl is running to her man returning from the army? AAAHHH I never get to see the whole thing, WAAAAH! :( Well anyway, Just wanted to say I hope you are doing well and I miss ya!

I love Roger and it's SO hard to leave him!!! AAahh, Amy I don't know how you do it, I have SO much respect for you and how strong you are with Nathan gone so long, I couldn't do it! I feel so incomplete right now, like a part of me was ripped away as I left and there's a jagged hole. And my impatient nature is kicking in and I just want my life with Roger NOW! I'm scared worrying it won't happen for years or something and I just want it to happen and to be done with this part of my life!!!!! Ok, I need to quit while i'm ahead. Gotta run to the store and then get dinner going. Hopefully i'll get on again sometime soon, my bro is trying to get internet here tomorrow. We'll see!
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