thank you to everyone who participated and voted. apologises to
kukie92, she deserves a special banner as i forgot to include one of her icons into the supplied texture section. this makes me a very bad mod, and tells me that i should never put voting up after a long day and half asleep ever again. :( here are the winners!
supplied image
1st place
fonulyn 2nd place
linnea82 3rd place
kukie92 text: symbols
kukie92 2nd
candygram_5000 3rd
fonulyn text: fan art
one winner
candygram_5000 theme: fashion
linnea82 2nd
candygram_5000 3rd
fonulyn supplied texture
one winner
linnea82 mods choice
kukie92 shape: oval
linnea82 2nd
kukie92 3rd
fonulyn wow, congratulations girls. you all deserve a big round of applause! ♥♥♥ you will ALL receive banners. well done!