please vote in challenge #28: skin
here. it closes on the 22nd! we need more votes :)
vote in the FINAL RUMBLE SESSION 1 round and determine the winner
HERE! we only had 4 participants so we really, really could do with as many votes as possible. deadline 22nd.
challenge #29: planets
here closes on the 25TH. submit those icons! :)
last but not least don't forget round session 2! you can still sign-up
here and participate in round 1: autumn
here the banner maker schedule has been updated you can find it on the userinfo. here it is at the moment:
challenge #27 garden:
herphotolifechallenge #28 skin:
mon_hantise72challenge #29 planets:
calin_duruschallenge #30 TBA:
herphotolife please let me know if that is okay
mon_Hantise72 and
calin_durus. we are still looking for banner makers, as always, even if you can only make a guest banner maker appearance, let me know! ;)
thanks everyone!