first impressions of Vancity, UBC, and grad school

Sep 11, 2006 21:28

So where to start.

I'm in Vancouver. Or Vancity (as the locals call it). I suppose that is an appropriate place to start. And yes, I like it here. Although I don't feel like I've been here long enough to pass a proper judgment. The mountains and ocean may be the most breathtaking thing I've ever seen.

School has been a whirlwind so far. It feels like I am always reading which I like... and I don't... all at the same time. I am in the same classes with what appears at this timely juncture of ten days seems like a truly rockin' group of people. The graduate program in political science has a real sense of community here which I appreciate. And the fact that my current friends here mirror my friends in other places. Or maybe I just frame it all that way in my mind to make myself feel more at home.

I've also been spending a lot of time doing random administrative stuff that comes with getting settled in a new school.

My program here is a one year program. So I am already applying to doctoral programs. I could be starting my doctorate next summer. Which I don't feel like I am smart/old/other accomplished adjective enough to do. This all means I am most likely not coming home next summer as I need to write my Masters thesis or if I do, I will be writing and certainly not working at the Fort. The longer I am away from there, the closer I get to the person I want to be.

I have reconcilled myself to the fact that I am an academic and that is what I need to do as my job. I shouldn't be taking off four months a year to go and play fur trade. And I don't really want to do that anymore.

Oh, my department is in the ghetto. Temporarily. While they build us a new pretty department. Opening after I am gone.

I took some pictures of my College (where I am living) and wanted to post them here. But forgot my cord at home so when it gets here I will post said photos.

Socially, I have been spending a good deal of time with three political science master's students. Namely two political theorists and a recovering Canadian politics student. They are fun. We drink beer and wine and talk about Heidegger. It is my dream world where people are like me. It's a litte too utopian and ideal for nothing to go horribly wrong. I'll keep you posted when the shit is destined to the hit the fan.

The more I think about it, the more I think the Weakerthans were writing about graduate schools and the experience of having all your friends grow up and me clinging to my studenthood. Venemently.
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