Tell Me a Lie, part 2.

May 26, 2010 23:37

Fandom: Super Junior.
Words: 1000.
Rating: PG-13.
Pairings: In this chapter: QMiMin, HenWook.
A/N: Haha, this still feels like a prologue. But I guess that's the nature of setting up plot XP
It will not take this long for me to finish another chapter. This one was giving me issues. OTL

Sungmin blinked.

“Shut up,” Kyuhyun snarled, already high-strung and perched on the arm of Leeteuk's favorite chair.

“I didn't say anything Kyuhyunnie.” Sungmin's grin was wide and cloyingly sweet.

Kyuhyun just grumbled and turned back to the door, where Zhou Mi had just stumbled in, drenched and trembling, sucking on one of his long, slender fingers.

“You did it!” Sungmin cried, arms spread wide like he was congratulating a child.

Zhou Mi's smile lit up and he accepted Sungmin's embrace, albeit awkwardly as Sungmin had yet again found something to hang from. Sungmin had rarely been right-side up lately though, and Zhou Mi was getting used to pressing his face into the older vampire's firm stomach during hugs.

Blood from his shirt wet Sungmin's skin, and made a thick slopping sound as they pulled apart. “You'll learn to be less messy,” Sungmin said softly, almost a request.

Kyuhyun stood and wound his hand around Zhou Mi's neck, pulling him down. He licked across blood-stained lips, humming in appreciation. “I knew you could do it,” he whispered.

Sungmin laughed. “He was taking bets with - what?” He stopped at Kyuhyun's glare, giving it a shrug and continued on. “Appa. He bet against you.”

Zhou Mi's whine was cut off by the door swinging open, and Ryeowook walking into the room like he was trying to get away from something. Sungmin dropped from his bar in confusion, settling on the floor instead. Seconds later, Yesung came in with a jumpy Donghae right behind him.

There was a profound sense of conversation having been stopped for their benefit, but Zhou Mi was the only one to try to move to another room. “Gotta stay here,” Sungmin mumbled, tugging on his sleeve.

Yesung groaned and sat down, sinking into a chair like he was trying to disappear into it.

Donghae scurried from the room.

There were sudden, slight vibrations in the floorboards, and the occupants of the room sat up a bit straighter, rearranged their faces into peaceful, calm expressions, folded their hands in their laps. They were the picture of perfection by the time Leeteuk came through the door, his usual serene smile faltering a little.

“Five of my babies?” he asked immediately, his tone a mixture of awe and disappointment.

“Yes, Umma,” Zhou Mi answered quickly.

“Umma, Zhou Mi killed someone tonight,” Sungmin offered.

Leeteuk's eyes scanned Zhou Mi's blood-soaked clothes, the stains on his skin, and he grinned. “Finally.”

Zhou Mi had the menu perched nearly above his head, attracting attention from the table across from theirs. He smiled sheepishly at Ryeowook, whose lips were pursed bravely as he slid his sunglasses down his nose and handed them over. Zhou Mi grabbed them and put them on; Ryeowook blinked against the bright light.

“So where is he?” Zhou Mi whispered conspiratorially behind a flattened hand.

Ryeowook pointed just as Henry started making his way over to their table. He searched for something to say, but came up dry.

“Hello,” Henry said cheerfully. There was no hint of recognition in his face, and for a second, Ryeowook panicked.

“Do you remember me?”

Henry stammered, his cheeks turning a lovely fuchsia that Ryeowook wanted to lick. “Uh. Um. Yes. Ryeowook.” He pronounced it no better than he had before.

Ryeowook grinned and nodded. Zhou Mi giggled a little, fingers covering his nose delicately. “Hello!” he chirped. “Not very busy in here, is it?”

Henry smiled, an easier smile than Ryeowook had seen before. He mentally cursed Zhou Mi for being good at this.

“Hardly anyone comes to this area at night,” Henry answered, perching the end of his pen on his lips. When the two didn't seem to understand, he added, “it's dangerous around here.” His expression didn't match what he said, tongue peeking out slightly.

“Aren't you scared?” Zhou Mi asked before Ryeowook could think of anything that didn't involve molesting the boy in front of him.

“No.” He laughed. “Are you ready to order?”

“Coffee,” Ryeowook said lamely, as Zhou Mi began rambling on about everything he wanted.

“You know you can't eat any of that,” Ryeowook hissed as Henry walked away.

Zhou Mi frowned. “I can.”

“You'll feel like shit.”

“I'm not as used to not being human as you are.” He bit his lip. “I miss real food.”

“You're good at talking to him,” Ryeowook added quietly, staring intently at his hands, folded on the table.

“I'm not as used to not being human as you are,” Zhou Mi repeated. “I still remember how to make small talk.” He pushed the sunglasses back up his nose and wagged his finger. “You see? I am much more useful to you than Donghae.”

Ryeowook kicked him under the table, ignoring the whine that followed.

It was 2 o'clock when Henry's shift was over, and he gladly handed over the responsibility of watching the empty cafe, yawning widely.

He briefly considered asking someone to walk with him.

The tone in which Ryeowook's friend had told him to “be careful” when they left shook him. For the first time since he'd moved to Seoul, he walked quietly and carefully, looking behind himself every few seconds.

When he reached the alley - a shortcut he usually took, he stopped dead in his tracks. Something was rustling; it was low, it was nearly silent, and it was just out of his sight. Still, he steeled himself and headed down the passageway.

He convinced himself that it had been a cat as he passed the place where the sound had come from, a relieved sigh forcing its way out.

There was a sudden sound - like someone laughing and an animal snarling all at once, and Henry broke into a run. He rounded the corner just as another snarl echoed down the brick walls.

#qmimin, #kangteuk, #sihanchul, *tell me a lie, suju, #yehenwook, #kihae, fanfic, #shinmin, #eunhae

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