Of Secrets and Solidarity.

Mar 15, 2010 14:26

Title: Of Secrets and Solidarity.
Fandom: SHINee/Super Junior
Pairing(s): Eunhyuk/Minho, secretwanting! 2min and EunHae.
Rating: NC-17 to be safe.
Warnings: sex. kind of comfort!sex depending on how you look at it.
Word Count: 652.
Summary: They're both in love, just not with each other. Or, at least, they weren't.
A/N: done for50ficlets. the prompt was "keeping secrets". I wanted to try writing a more
innocent, confused Minho, because as much as I love the way he usually acts, I like the shy, scared
part of him that comes out sometimes too ♥

It was supposed to have been once and done. Just a momentary distraction. One night of hot, wet lips and bodies pressed desperately against each other, hands lost and confused but determined.

Minho reflects on that night when he can, when his mind clears between blinding kisses. He remembers that it was cold out, because the sweat lining his bare skin had given him goosebumps as soon as the heat of another body was gone. He remembers curling up in sheets that smelled of sex, so distinctly that it was comforting in a way. He remembers a voice calling lazily from the shower, and joining his hyung, and groaning deeply as he was pressed against the wall. He feels a similar groan come from his chest as he releases into Eunhyuk's talented mouth.

Their hands have become less lost by now, both of Minho's wrapped around Eunhyuk's face, Eunhyuk's nails scraping Minho's back in a ritual they've fallen into. Eunhyuk takes a deep breath, licking his lips and staring distractedly at the younger boy's scrunched-up, panting face.

Minho squirms comfortably, wriggling his way down to where he can feel Eunhyuk's chest heaving against his own. He yawns, rolling his hips up against his still-aroused hyung.

Minho frowns momentarily as Eunhyuk pushes into him and whispers a name that isn't his. Nonetheless, he coats Eunhyuk's face in kisses, rubbing circles into the older boy's back. After all, this never would have happened if they hadn't both been in love with other people.

Eunhyuk obviously realizes his mistake, looking up sheepishly, and Minho rocks his hips encouragingly.

“Have you? Do you?” The questions fade off into hisses as Eunhyuk tries to shut Minho up with bites at his collarbone. Minho puts the questions as far back in his mind as he can, hoping that they won't try to come out again.

After all, it's incredibly awkward to ask the man you're fucking about his love life.

He does wonder, though, because the lines are getting blurry. He loves Eunhyuk, and he tells him so through frantic kisses, rewarded with quick, assuring replies.

He feels like there are two parts of his heart, though. There's the part that thinks that this is all there is; Eunhyuk's mouth and hands and skin, this feeling of fullness and overflowing and easy, incredibly senseless love.

The other part is the one that dreams of Taemin, all winks and smiles and fantasies, like light and laughter and pure beauty.

He's not sure if he can be happy with only one. He wants to ask if there are two parts to Eunhyuk's heart too, but he's too afraid. It is not the time anyway, as Eunhyuk's breathing hitches and he rides out his orgasm breathing Minho's name into his shoulder.

As he wraps himself around the older boy, both too tired to get clean, or dress, or even cover themselves with a sheet, Minho decides for about the hundredth time that they need to stop.

His resolve melts as quickly as it came when Eunhyuk traces his bellybutton with one jagged fingernail.

“Have you?” Eunhyuk asks quietly, and Minho tells himself he hears a tremor.

He doesn't need to ask what Eunhyuk means. He won't confess to Taemin, not while this is still going on. He knows, or at least he likes to think that Donghae isn't getting a confession either, because who wants to hear “I love you, but I'm sleeping with someone else”? As long as their nights keep ending up like this, they'll probably only have each other.

Minho tightens his grip around Eunhyuk's shoulders, shaking his head. “We should stop doing this,” he says nervously, nothing but his common sense backing him up.

Eunhyuk chews on his lip for a second. “We should.”

Just for that moment, though, it is easier and more tempting to trace the line of his dongsaeng's neck, imprinting his touch on Minho's body.


yeah, so I wanted to write Eunhyuk/Minho, but I'm too much of a hardcore 2min and EunHae shipper. this was my compromise with myself ^^ 

pairing: eunhyuk/minho, challenge: 50ficlets, shinee, pairing: 2min, %50ficlets, #eunhae, suju

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