in which I fangirl.

Mar 13, 2010 22:21

감사합니다carousel_captor, magickismight ,magickismight and sballet06 for the birthday wishes!

That has to have been my favorite birthday ever ♥
& not just because I discovered my love for Mr. Jack Daniels
I won't recount it in detail, but I had delicious drinks and danced all night with some of my favorite girls AND watched Happy Feet AND had a cheesesteak at two in the morning XD

anyway, I am bored to tears by the thought of finishing the 30 days meme (mostly because I tried & quit), so I'm going to post what I feel like posting.

that being spam of my new bias.

Eunhyukkie oppa ♥

I somehow managed to not notice how awesome he is, even though I'm finding out that he's in like a million videos I've watched before. like this one:

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ya know, because I didn't love it enough already. with all of my imagining that the reason Minho didn't want to kiss her was because of Taemin.


there's also this, which is just 0.0 good boy. good fanservice. :

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and I've been watching this a lot lately:

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the wannabe fashion designer part of me basically fangasms at Hyukkie's outfit ♥
also that perf pretty much solidified Kyuhyun as my secondary suju eye candy.
2:23 is probably my favorite part. I love watching Shindong dance, so honestly he was the first one that caught my eye there, but then I saw Hyukkie moving like that and ;_;
I pretty much stan over the entire video, I'm not gonna lie.

um. also. after watching the Oh! video a bajillion times, I think Sooyoung has replaced Sunny as my girlcrush.

I started writing this big, weird, slightly epic fanfic this weekend that encompasses almost all of my favorite pairings, and some that aren't my favorites. it's going to end up having way too many parts. I'm a little scared of it and a little excited :P

&hyukkie, drooling over clothes, total spam, snsd, suju

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