from the queen of england to the hounds of hell.

Feb 12, 2010 18:35

so I figured while I was avoiding putting my groceries away, I'd post XD

1. I started watching some of MBLAQ's MVs. . . I just can't believe that this Mir:

image Click to view

and this Mir:

image Click to view

are the same person. teddy bear =/= sexy, usually.

2. playing catch-up with my 30 days.

Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy

 lol plastic Harry Potter glasses.

and. um. whatever tickles my fancy is what I write all the time. so hey, guess what?
I'm eating Veggie Tales fruit snacks.

they are delicious.
I think Larry is my favorite flavor ♥

also 3. capslock_shinee may have just made Jjong/Microphone my new OTP.

4. I don't know what to do with myself. this is one of those nights where I'm like woe is me I have nothing to do and then all of a sudden I think of like ten things at once and can't decide which to do.

5. I am suddenly very anti-using-capitalization-at-the-beginning-of-sentences. dunno why.

6. um. bye.

shinee, food, fandom: mblaq, kpop, 30 days meme

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