May 10, 2006 18:31

The tiny robot.. fooling the real insects into accepting it as one of their own

The researchers behind the robot believe it could be used to catch cockroaches and that bots designed to mimic other animals could one day work on farms controlling flocks of sheep and chickens by similar means.
Cockroaches and other insects such as ants display "collective intelligence". This means that complex group behaviour emerges from simple individual action and interaction. Researchers from France, Belgium and Switzerland set out to create a robot capable of controlling a group of cockroaches by exploiting this emergent behaviour.

several Insbots travelling around a maze and interacting with cockroaches: Video

Тараканище InsBot: шпион-провокатор в мире насекомых

Leurre Project: to study, experimentally and theoretically, the global behaviours of mixed-societies composed of animals and artificial agents

Research papers
InsBot - behavioral Model

Jean-Louis Deneubourg's Page

tech, swarm, ai, complex systems

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