
Apr 20, 2006 06:58

В апрельском Nature вышла статья М.Бурцева и П.Турчина

"Evolution of cooperative strategies from first principles"

Статья про cooperative behaviour. Они там презентуют свою много-агентную модель. Выдержка из абстракта:

In our model, agents are endowed with a limited set of receptors, a set of elementary actions and a neural net in between. Behavioural strategies are not predetermined; instead, the process of evolution constructs and reconstructs them from elementary actions. Two new strategies of cooperative attack and defence emerge in simulations, as well as the well-known dove, hawk and bourgeois strategies. Our results indicate that cooperative strategies can evolve even under such minimalist assumptions, provided that agents are capable of perceiving heritable external markers of other agents.

Correspondence to: Mikhail Burtsev (Email: mbur@narod.ru).
Department of Non-linear Dynamics, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, Moscow

swarm, ai, complex systems

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