Jun 16, 2006 12:34
its officially summer vacation. its alright so far. this week has been okay. cant remember what i did on monday, it was probly nothin'. Insect Warfare was great on tuesday. The Bedlam is really neat. wednesday was the last day of school, we went to minnihaha falls and chilled, i hung out with shelly later that night, we got in this huge argument about getting your period , i think rupturing your spleen would be more painful than a period, its up to you to decide. Yesterday was pretty cool, fixed my bike, went to a softball game, hung out with Bre and Ryan, went to hard times, had a falafel pita sandwhich, saw faggot, and went home, slept. today i have the house to myself for the rest of the weekend. I dont know what im doing all day but ryan, shelly, and sadie are chillin tonight, should be fuunnnn. Tomarrow im making my glorious return to extreme noise. I haven't worked there in like 3 weeks. but im coming back, then we get to close early to go see LIMP WRIST! im sort of excited.