money doesn't grow on trees.

Jun 13, 2006 10:02

Responsibilities pile up and you cannot do it all by yourself. Obligations related to your family may be just as important when compared to your long-term professional goals. The key is in what you say, for you can comfortably hold both ends together by being your natural diplomatic self. If you can avoid taking sides, your agile mind and flexibility will see you through.

Im not sure if that made me feel better or not, but either way I feel like typiing right now. here I go.


I have court today for a ticket that I got in feburary. It's $90, plus I'm getting 2 freaking points on my lisence. The best part is I've never done this before and my mother refuses to take the day off work to help me. Personally I think she's just avoiding me. Why? I have no idea.

Because of her I'm %95 sure I'm not going to bonnaroo.

But on the bright side, the state takes my $200 'driver resposibility fee' out of my account today. Unfortunatly that means that on the 16th I have to go to the secritary of state and get my lisence back (thats annother $150).
oh wait.
isn't that my moms fault too?
She wants me to give her money to help with my car insurance. Hmm, did I just loan her $50 yesterday? Aparently she only has $25 in her savings account untill friday. again.

um, I'm working at wok to you now. Hopefully a second job is in store for me soon, because I need to move the fuck out.

who has a helpfull and/or productive thought on this situation?
because right now I could use all the help I can get.
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